

Jason sits backstage alone, putting new strings on his guitar. He should have done it the day before, but they had plenty of time before the show started tonight, so it wasn't a big deal.

"Kyle, where did you put that box?"

"Hey, did you see that new cord?"

"Anybody seen that duct tape?"

"In that bin like always, Kyle."

Normally the setup chatter would distract or entice Jason, but today his mind was elsewhere. His hands worked with the strings, but his thoughts were far away.

"Do you think we have a chance?"

All day with Camryn yesterday had been more fun than Jason had had in a long time. No worries, no schedule restrictions...just him and her. By evening it had led to some deeper conversations.

"I think I love you, Jason."

Love wasn't a surprise to either one. Both had felt it...both knew their feelings of friendship had developed into more - how could they not...and both enjoyed it.

"What about my line of work?"

Jason's question had risen out of a fear of repeating the past. He'd already been rejected once because of his choice in career.

"Jason, a job doesn't dictate one's love."

"But it can dictate the future."

"Then let it dictate someone else. I make my own future and I want it to be with you."

Jason winces as a string snaps back on his hand.

"Yo KT!"

Jason tilts his head to see out on the main floor as Kyle hollers his greeting. A smile spreads on Jason's face as he sees Katie and Scott. It was strange to think of a concert without Katie. Stranger still to think of her without Scott.

He focuses back on his task, though his mind still wanders.

"What about you and Katie?"

Camryn's question hadn't been surprising. Jason had told her about the connection between himself and Katie. Though he maybe hadn't mentioned quite how strong it was, she'd come to understand and accept it, never thinking either were crazy. Jason had surprised himself with his own response.

"I'm tired of letting that connection hold me back. I'm tired of letting it rule my choices, and I'm tired of it getting in the way. Katie and I are learning to control it, we're succeeding, and as far as I'm concerned, it's no longer an element that I'm going to worry about. My future is mine. And I'll be hanged if I let this get in the way of what I want most."

Maybe it had been a bit bold...bolder than he'd intended...but it was how he had felt, and still felt. His own statement had sent him on a fast-paced ride through time as his mind had reeled with thoughts of the past and the future. The realization that he wouldn't let that connection get in the way had given him a new freedom. And there were things he dared to want. There were things he dared to dream of. Things that would normally scare him. Things that he would normally balk at or take more time to investigate first. But what was time? It could last forever. Would he always let opportunities slip through his fingers? It was time he stopped letting fear get in the way. It was time he threw caution into the wind so he could live...really live.

"Hey, you two lovebirds, break it up, I need those adapters," Phil calls across the room.

Mike looks up from where he was helping Jen with the soundboard and rolls his eyes. He winks at Jen. "They love you."

"I know," Jen sighs with mock disgust. "They could lay off the teasing now though."

"Well, it's only been a couple days. They're still getting used to it."

"Getting used to it? They've about worn it out!"

Mike chuckles and goes to help Phil, waving at Katie as he goes. "Expecting a nice crowd tonight," he comments. "Keep those eyes peeled."

Scott gives Katie a smile. He might feel just a little out of place, but it was obvious that she was just as much a part of this team as anyone. "I thought I would go and..."

"You're not getting away that fast," Kyle interrupts. "I could use you up here for something."

Scot raises an eyebrow, surprised, but feeling good about being included. "Um...okay." He turns and walks backward for a moment, looking at Katie. "Guess I'm not going then."

As setup continues, Jen leans down to a cooler on the floor and opens it up to break out some sandwiches and drinks. "Hey, guys, take a break and eat, will ya? We're on in an hour, but no one's had supper." She looks around. "Where's Jason? I got him some orange juice." Her eyes roam the floor. "Jason?" she calls.

Kyle shrugs. "Maybe he's in the little boys' room."

"I thought I saw him backstage," Phil comments.

Jen looks up at Katie. "Would you mind seeing if you can find him and convincing him to eat something? He won't listen to the guys."

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