
Passing Time

*Katie looks up from her cubicle as Scott stops.*

"Dinner, tonight...hmmm.."

*Katie hesatates for a moment, throwing a sidelong teasing glance.*

"Dinner sounds great."

*Katie gives a smile and cant help but watch Scott as he walks away. It was hard to believe they had been engaged for 3 months already. In 2 more she would me Ms. Katie Johnson. It was a good feeling.*

*Misty siting in the infermary her face in a bunch of papers like normal. She was still doing her nerve damage research and it was coming along slowly.

The last two months had been strange. She was back to work and doing pretty good, but Carson not being there left most of the days boring.

Misty couldent help but feel bad. Carson was trying so hard and he new it but he was having no luck with jobs. Misty was scaired if this kept up Carson would be depressed and turn to other things. She tryed her best to keep his hopes up and to help all she could. Many times she would go shopping for Carson and put food in his apartment though he dident like it Misty dident care. She wasent about to let him go hungry.

Stoping for a moment Misty looks around the infermary. It was extra quiet today Rick was out and about and nothing exciting was going on. The only other person Misty really connected with was Jason and he was going out on his vacation so he wasent there. Picking up her phone Misty wonders if Carson was on his lunch break yet. Dialing she waits for an answer.*

*Wes pulls into the driveway home from work for the day. Fall was here all to fast and though he took half days they seemed so long spliting working in the shop and helping winterising the ranch once again. Than his night were what he looked forward too. Spending with with Cindy and there unborn child was the best part of the way. Reaching into the backseat he grabs a bunch of Roses wraped in delicit paper. Geting out of the truck Wes makes his way inside. Geting to the door he puts the flowers behind his back. Seeing his wife in the rocking chair he smiles.*

"There's my pretty and wonderful wife."

*Coming up along side her, he gives her a gentil kiss and brings the flowers to her.*

"These are for you. I love you."

*Wes smiles at her his face lite up with so much joy. He was happy, ever so happy. He couldent ask for anything more in life than what he had now. A house, a wife, a child on the way, a great job, Great friends, and a God who had loved him enough to give him all that.

Bringing a hand to Cindy's face he runs a gentil finger over her cheek. Every day his love grew more he was blessed indeed.*

"Let me go get our plates so we can eat. "

*Aerith sat at the counter of Mom and Pop's just holding a letter in her hand. She dident have to work today and was going to go out with Wyatt later tonight but this was her comfort zone. She felt safe and Mom and Pop's and it offered a nice place to think.

The last two months had gone by so fast. Her grandmothers death certinly moved things along. And though the will was still be looked over to see who got what the letter Aerith now held showed more than she exspected. She wasent to sure what to think, part of her was happy, and part was kind of meh.*

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