
He's not

Carson is quiet for several more moments. It wasn’t his fault really, but he still felt low about it.

“Oh, some cash ended up missing from the register at the store. One of the guys got wind that I had a shady past, even though my record is clean now. So…Harry blamed me.”

He shrugs, knowing there was absolutely nothing he could do. “I know who took it, but there’s no way to prove it, so…he sacked me. This will go over real well the next job I find when they asked me what happened at my last place of employment.”

Carson shakes his head and tightens his grip around Misty, just wanting to forget everything. “What kind of life was this…” He knew he shouldn’t be asking that, but it’s what he was feeling. “I’m trying my dangdest to stay on the right side, and for what?” Though he feels like shouting, his tone remains quiet. “What am I going to do? No matter what I do, where I go…I just screw it up.”

Moving his head, he buries his face in Misty’s shoulder. She was the only one he would show any weakness to. “Am I doomed to be a failure?”

Scott enjoys the evening with Katie, laughing and talking. It didn’t matter what they talked about, he was happy just being with her.

But as she suddenly gives a cry, Scott is on edge. What had happened? What was wrong? “Katie…?”

As her own tension rises, he gets more and more on edge, apprehension fills his veins and he becomes almost nervous. Keeping it back as much as he can though, he hears her explanation, and now understands what’s happening. But…she had to go? It was a must?

He stands with her, the question and disappointment on his face. “But…” His hand gestures to the table, his eyes proving his feelings. He knew about her helping Jason. He didn’t understand it…maybe he didn’t even like it. But he can also tell that she’s determined to leave whether he likes it or not. “I…”

His shoulders drop and he lets out a sigh. “You’re in no shape to drive. I’ll take you. Just…tell me where to go.”

Grabbing his jacket he takes her arm and follows her out of the restaurant and to his car. Once inside, he takes a deep breath, not liking the anxious feeling in his veins, but trying to ignore it. It felt strange, and he fought it. It was almost fear. It was…odd. A bead of sweat runs down the side of his face, but he maintains control and just drives, following Katie’s directions.

Kyle jogs down the trail, squinting into the dark, his flashlight providing a poorly lit path. He doesn’t know how long it’s been…it had taken them hours to trek up to the campsite, and he didn’t know how long it would be on the way back down. The muscles in his legs started to ache, but knowing there was a pay phone at the start of the trail kept him going. A prayer remained in his mind.

Jason’s body shakes, burning up, but unable to get warm. His emotions so violently rushing into him that it tormented him physically.

Words…harsh words…Alex’s words…hurled in his direction. Shouting, screaming, crying. Over and over and over again, they hounded his mind and his heart.

Camryn sits near to him, talking to him, trying to rouse him. “Come on, Jason,” she begs. Another tear rolls down her cheek. She tries to reach in to take his hand, but his fingers are clenched too tightly. “Please…for me?”

Phil sits back, his knees pulled up to his chest, his arms wrapped around his legs as he waits and prays.

Camryn looks to him for help. “He…he told me this happened before sometimes.”

“Yeah…once in a while.”

“But…but he said it was like a nightmare that…that he would wake up from after a while. That…it would just run its course and…he could pull out of it like…like he could feel what was happening around him and like come out of it.”

Phil nods slowly. “Yeah.” He swallows hard, his mind still full. He didn’t want to say what he wanted to for fear it would make Camryn feel bad, but it was the truth. “That was true, but… I don’t know, Camryn. Last time I saw him like this it lasted maybe half an hour tops.”

“How did he pull out?”


Camryn’s eyes lower. “He’s told me about his connection with her. You think that’s it?”

“Could be.” Phil shrugs. “I don’t know. He’s said some about that, but…seems it’s something that maybe can’t be explained.”

“I guess I try to think it’s a God thing.”

“Me too.” Phil nods his agreement, but his eyes drift back to his friend.

Camryn follows his gaze. “Katie could bring him out of these spells, couldn’t she?”

Phil nods. That’s what he was trying to avoid, but it was the truth. He’d seen it happen. “Even so, he said he could pull himself out of it.”

“But he’s not…is he.”

Jason cringes as he sees Alex’s hand coming down fast, and he feels the shooting pain through his face. His whole body tenses and he gives a lurch as the scream follows.

Camryn jumps and tries to calm him down, her tears coming again. “Jason, it’s okay…it’s okay…”

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