

*Nate can't help but laugh along with Laura as he felt silly. Giving a tight squeeze and smiles.*

"Good Maggie will be so excited and so will I. The time away will be nice."

*Nate sits alittle while longer with Laura untill the fireworks finish up. Sitting up alittle bit to streach he inquires.*

"Well, are you ready to head out? I'd hate for that brother of your to know I kept you out past 10."

*Nate cant help but grin as he helps Laura up.*

*Charlotte smiles and gives a nod as she stands. She dident mind leaving now. Angelica was probley wondering where she was and on top of it tomarrow she wanted to try and look for a job. The day had been fun and it was a good way to end it. Slowly Charlotte follows Bret giving a small was goodbye to a few.*

*Katie smiles as Scott and gives him a small kiss before standing.*

"Yes you can."

*As Sarah's mom comes to take her Jamie smiles than turning back to Con she lets out a small sigh.*

"Its funny, I'm not tired at all but I know we probley should."

*Jamie smiles as she stands.*

"I know once I get home and my head hits that pillow thouh I will be dead to the world."

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