
Night of the Fight

*Misty watches as Jason and Nate go back in forth and than as Mr. Angry joins in. Katie cringes on the inside still leaning aganst the bar for the two men but not leting it show. Every here and there she adds to the show cheering for Jason and making smart alic comments.

Finally at the fight stop and Jason leans down giving Misty a kiss her one hand finds Jason's arm leaning into the kiss. For a moment a strange feeling pass over Misty. One she wasent exspecting as her pulse quickens. Giving a wink to Jason she replys a grin playing on her lips.*

"I am now!"

*The tone Misty hears herself replying though acting holds alittle bit of searousness. Catching herself off guard. Not having time to even think more about it Jason is aproched by Terry. Misty takes another swig on her drink. As Jason holds his arm around Misty's waist he leans into him a bit to show up the affection and her own arms crossed.

Finally Misty follows Jason out of the bar and gets on the bike with him. Wrapping her arms around his wast and holding on as they drive back to TJY. Once arriving and geting off the bike Misty quirks a grin and her eye lite up dancing word on her lips waiting to be spoken. Finally as Jason goes to head inside she stops him her grin growing.*

"You did good to Hotshot. So the night that we go to the fight are you going to kiss me again? Because personaly I have to tell ya I wouldent mind. Your a dang good kisser and I liked it."

*Misty gives Jason a wink.*

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