
Absent Mindedly

*As Jason holds Misty and press his lips to her. She can feel her pulse quicken again. The feeling passing over her over again. It was strang, it was differnt, and Misty.....liked it? As Jason pulls away grin grows. Misty wasnted sure if the feeling she felt was joking anymore or not. It was strange and certinly unexspected.*

"Mmmmm....I most certinly do."

*Leaning into Jason again Misty pushes her lips to his in alittle bit deeper kiss. Her on arm wraping him finding his back and the other to the side of his face for a moment and than slids to the back of his head. The kiss linger for quiet a few minutes this time. Finally Misty pulls away her face a bit flush not sure what came over her, but the strange feeling of liking it stired. Her eyes catch Jason as she absent mindedly runs her fingers though his hair.*

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