

*Katie smiles up at Jason.*

"I like being the hero sometimes. It makes me feel good. I'm glad everything went ok."

*Katie gives alittle shake of her head and keep her smile held searching Jason's eyes and seeing life. How could she be mad. If anything Misty did Jason a faver and it knocked some sence into his thick skull.*

"Don't worry I wont be. You secret is safe with me."

*Seeing Jason's grin make Katie smile even more. Katie aims back to the breakroom with Jason to check on Nate.*

*Nate looks up as Jason enters the room and shakes his head the smile still on his face.*

"Overbored much?"

*Nate lets out a laugh.*

"Its alright J, even if you did over do it I still had fun. Misty was here and already checked over me. No broken bones so thats good and Katie here cleaned up my cuts good."

*Hearing that Jason got a fight on saterday he gives out a whoop.*

"Your lucky you got a fight. If I went through this for nothing oh boy."

*Katie stands next to Jason and laughs herself. Poor Nate. She though it was funny to watch the two men go back and forth.*

*Misty closes the door to the infermary. Pulling out a bag she pulls out Carson's shirt she ended up keeping. Taking her Jacket off and the tank she quickly pulls the shirt over her head. Sticking the other cloths in the bag and back in her desk to take home another time. She'd be needing the Jacket on saterday again anyways so it might as well stay here. After finishing geting dressed back in normal clothing Misty makes her way back to the breakroom with some pain kills for Nate and some cream for his gash.*

*Angelica hated that the night was to end. It had been a good day and everything seemd right. Knowing her still had her problems, she could feel herself slowly coming out of the shell she had created. Even just talking with Mike about stuff other than work was something she found hard but felt comfortable doing, and each time found it geting alittle bit easyer. Moving awayfrom her family would be hard, and leaving her practice in the hands of someone alse harder but she new Jake was good to his word and wouldent do anything without her she had no worrys on that. It would take some geting use to but she new she would be ok.

Stoping at the front of the hotel Angelica gives a smile. Something she did more often these days. Taking Mike's hand she gaves it alittle squeeze.*

"GoodNight Mike. I had a nice time. Thank you."

*Angelica's eyes lock with Mike's for a momnet as she gives another smile. The thought on the tip of her mind but she shakes it away. Turning and starting to make her way inside.*

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