
All-out Brawl

Reese raises his eyebrows at Angelica’s invitation, and for a moment, he hesitates. But he can’t help but give in. “Sure. I’ll pick you up in fifteen minutes.”

Ty grins at Katie and gives a little nod. “Maybe…maybe tomorrow if there’s time or something….you can help me write....maybe.”

A short laugh surfaces. “Maybe one of these days I can actually function like a normal human being.”

Shaking his head, he rises from his chair. “Well thanks again, Katie…I really appreciate this.” Giving a little wave, he turns to leave her cubicle. “I better get to work before Hal has my hide.”

A curse is hurled in Nate’s direction, sliding from Jason’s mouth with an angry edge. Ignoring Misty’s prompting, he gives a shove to Nate’s chest, just hard enough to make him stagger. “You like talking to me like that? You like being a big man and challenging me?” He shoves him again, pushing Nate up against the counter, knocking over a glass, gaining more attention. “One more word out of your mouth and you won’t be able to use it for a week.”

Letting Nate go, he turns around, but pauses. “Aw, what the hey. You deserve it now.”

Spinning back around, he throws a punch at Nate’s jaw. Hooking Nate’s ankle, he gives a slight kick that would go unnoticed by onlookers, to bring Nate down naturally as if the fist was what had knocked him down.

Jason takes one step back and tenses with hands to the sides, ready for him to get up and continue the fight. A tap to his shoulder though, catches him off guard

Turning around, he sees a large man who looked like he’d had a few beers already himself and was looking for a fight. “Got a problem?” Jason snaps.

“Yeah, he didn’t deserve that.”

“Oh, no?” Jason glares at the other man. “You want to join him?”

The man’s eyes narrow and suddenly a fist is flying in Jason’s direction.

Instincts cause him to duck, reflexes throwing him into action as he lashes out at the stranger with his own knuckles, landing squarely on the man’s mouth to send him reeling. This was not what Jason had intended, but there was no way he could stop the acting now.

As the drunk picks himself up off the floor, he runs at Jason.

Jason, however, steps out of the way, letting the man run himself into the bar. Stepping back though, Jason runs backward into Nate who had picked himself up. “Are you still here?” he growls. He ducks a punch and gives Nate another one, losing him just in time to sidestep another lunge from Mr. Angry.

Taking a blow from behind from Nate, he whirls around with a high kick. Misjudging the distance just a little, he smacks Nate in the side of the head with his boot just a bit harder than intended. He can’t even react though as Mr. Angry is on top of him again.

For several minutes, Jason fights between the two men, gaining the attention of over half the bar, and now seriously fighting to keep himself on top, half acting, half not, and winding up confusing the two several times, either getting Nate harder than he wanted, or not giving the drunk what he deserved.

Shoved back toward the bar by a strong fist from Nate, Jason stumbles near Misty. For only her to see, his eyes widen for a split second, showing his thoughts that this had gotten crazy way too quickly. No time to recover though, he’s pulled back into the fight.

Finally, Jason manages one last heave, sending the drunk crashing to the floor on the way to the exit where he lands with a groan, giving up the match.

Seeing Nate tiring as well, Jason sends him in the same direction, giving a kick to his behind for good measure. By now it’s obvious who the winner is, and several from the crowd grab hold of Nate and the drunk to push them out the door onto the sidewalk.

Jason stands tall, wiping a bit of blood from his lip with the back of his hand, breathing heavily. Ignoring the cheers and taunts from those around him, he turns back around to put an arm around Misty. After taking a swig of his beer that had somehow survived the ruckus, he leans down to give Misty a kiss. “You alright, babe?”

Sensing someone behind him, he rolls his eyes and turns around, fists balled.

The tall stranger does not have the look on his face that he wants to fight, but rather a bit of amusement showing in his eyes. “Whoa, slow down there. Relax.”

Jason lifts an eyebrow skeptically. “Look, all I wanted was to share a beer with my woman, now you got a problem, say it, or I’m out of here.”

“Terry.” The man extends his hand.

Jason eyes it, knowing that this could very well be the contact he was looking for. Finally he accepts the shake. “Call me Ace.”

“Well, Ace, you fight pretty well.”

As the noise of the bar drones on, the two men converse privately at the bar. Within half an hour, Jason has agreed to show up to fight for some money, win or lose, just to give a new crowd a show. He knows when and where, and plays his nonchalant arrogance to a tee.

Jason’s arm is around Misty’s waist as he takes a final sip of his beer and watches Terry leave the bar. Glancing down at Misty, he quirks an eyebrow, waits a few moments, then makes his way to the door himself, bringing her along.

Not stopping to talk, he gets on his bike again, starting up the engine. It’s dark by now, and a chill is in the air. Speeding around down for a few minutes, then heading back to TJY, they arrive in one piece.

As he shuts off the engine, Jason lets out a long sigh and turns to look behind him at Misty. “Well…that went…well….I think.” He quirks a grin and dismounts, helping Misty off as well. “We better get inside and make sure Nate’s okay. I see his car is here, so hopefully that means he got back alright.” He shakes his head, pausing at the door. “Thanks, Misty – you were great. One more night and we should be home free with evidence to hand in.”

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