
Dressed to Kill

*Charlotte takes about 15 minues to get to Bret house on foot. The walk was nice and the air felt good on her face. She had hope Bret was going to call her. Walking up the sidewalk Charlotte knocks lighly on the door waiting for Bret to answer.*

*As Misty hears Jason call her name she steps out of the infermary and starts to make her way to where Jason and Misty were. All of her hair done up on her head and looked kind of messy, make was on her eyes and lips once again. Today she had on a blue tub top that showed off more of her stomach than she liked now a days but it fit the part. The shirt was rather hi-cut in the back as well showing off the large tattoo of a butterfly that not many people new she had. Haning from the shirt were 2 ties that went around the front and back than tired. She wore her tight black low cut pants again that had the chain for a belt along with her boots. Around her neck was a black saten ribbin tied off in the black. As she make her way over to Jason she slips on her leather jack that is about as long as the shirt itself so her tattoo is still shows. Pating her pocket she makes sure her knife is carfuly tucked away inside just in case. Playful Misty throws her arm around Jason.*

"So baby, are we going to win tonight."

*As Misty makes her way over Katie cant help but shair. She wasent use to Misty dressing like that and it was quite a shock to the system. Shaking her head Katie looks back to Jason.*

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