
Reminded to live

Jason closes his eyes for a moment, feeling Misty’s hand on his face. Her touch was so gentle…so soft.

Looking at her again, he finally releases his hold, and reaches up to push aside a strand of hair from Misty’s face.

A million and one thoughts entered his mind at once. All of them involving him, the people he cared about, and replaying what just happened. “You’re right,” he finally whispers. “I need to take chances.”

His finger traces her jawline before both arms sling across Misty’s shoulders so he can look directly down at her.

A strange new spark is evident in Jason’s eyes. Something different…something renewed. A faint, yet solemn grin upturns just the corner of his mouth as a form of seriousness enters his tone.

He speaks quietly. “Has Carson disappointed you that much?” He searches Misty’s face, realizing the truth of the reasoning behind the impulsive actions. “I wouldn’t throw that away yet, just because you like my kiss.”

His arms slide from her shoulders, his hand going to caress the side of her face. “Thank you…for sharing a moment that reminded me to live.”

The grin finally spreads, the light from the parking lot beams just outlining his face. “You got it good…I got it good… You got a man waiting, and I got my sights on a woman that I think now I can take a chance with.”

He leans down to plant a kiss on her forehead. “How about neither one of us ruin what we’ve worked so hard to get, just because we discovered we both can kiss pretty well?”

A soft chuckle comes out. “Carson’s a lucky guy.” He tweaks her chin playfully. “And I think you and I are going to be good friends.”

Jason moves to lay a hand on the door handle, but looks at Misty one more time. “Let’s just tuck this one away in our memory banks, shall we? Come on…before someone starts looking for us.”

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