

Austin turns his back on the small group, setting his hands on his hips and taking a deep breath. The tears are waiting, but there’s still too much shock, confusion and anger to let them through.

Mick looks at the others, desperate to know something to say, but no words come. He grits his teeth, and stands up to go to Austin, giving his back a pat. “It’s not over yet.”

“No….” Austin shakes his head. “But it’s heck getting there.”

Con watches Katie leave, and it’s as long while that she still hasn’t come back. He thinks for a moment, then excuses himself, and comes back a few minutes later. He quietly enters Jason’s room, his heart aching at the sight. In a moment of compassion, he goes to Katie, laying a big gentle hand on her shoulder. “Hey…” He lowers himself down in a chair next to her, not expecting a response, but talking anyway. “It’s going to be okay…” He fingers something that he brought in from the truck. It’s an unmarked CD in a tattered envelope. “You know…not a lot of people have seen or heard Jason’s musical talents, but there was one time I convinced him to let me record him singing and playing his guitar…” He spies a CD player in the corner and goes to it, beginning to put the disc in it. “I bet he’s told you about Sydney… well…when she was in such bad shape over in London, there was one point that her family back home didn’t know that she was still alive. But a handful of us at TJY did, even though we had to remain silent for a while.” He closes the lid on the CD player as he continues to speak gently. “It hit Jason pretty hard…seeing Sydney’s family preparing themselves to never see her again, when at the same time, she was waiting to get home to them. Jason sat down and wrote this song one afternoon…he didn’t want anyone else to ever hear it, but…I think…” He presses ‘play.’ “…I think if he were awake, he might say these words to you…” He quietly leaves the room, allowing the music to play to Katie alone.

The soft, minor notes of a guitar lift the atmosphere into a dreamy state and Jason’s voice blends in a soothing tone…the song itself driven by an emotional charge.

Sometimes the wrong things happen,
And we’re not sure what to do.
Life is slipping slowly by,
I see it passing through.

Your tears they fall like raindrops,
On a summer afternoon.
But do me just one favor,
Please grant my one request…

Don’t say goodbye…
Tomorrow’s not the end of it.

Don’t say goodbye…
Don’t make me stay away.

Don’t say goodbye,
Darlin’ please….

…‘Cause I’m coming home.

I’ve fallen down a darkened road,
It’s a mystery I feel.
Choices were spread out before me,
Now time can only heal.

You’re missing all we used to do,
You’re crying for me now.
But do me just one favor.
Please grant my one request…

Don’t say goodbye…
Tomorrow’s not the end of it.

Don’t say goodbye…
Don’t make me stay away.

Don’t say goodbye,
Darlin’ please….

…‘Cause I’m coming home.

Oh the storms around me rage,
And the pain, it cuts me deep.
I don’t want to stay alone down here,
I don’t want to lose it all.
Don’t make me stay alone down here,
Don’t take it all away…

Don’t say goodbye…
Tomorrow’s not the end of it.

Don’t say goodbye…
Don’t make me stay away.

Don’t say goodbye,
Darlin’ please….

…‘Cause I’m coming home.
Oh I’m coming home…
Darlin’ I’m coming home…
Yeah yeah…

…I’m coming home.

Cindy numbly follows Wes, unsure exactly what’s going on, but too afraid to ask too many questions.
The ride takes several hours, and by the time they arrive, Cindy has withdrawn into a quiet state.
They join the others in the lobby, and Cindy immediately falls into an embrace by Austin.
Austin holds her for several minutes, neither saying anything.
Mick looks to Wes and nods. “Thanks for bringing her.”

Back at the ranch, Sparky gathers together those who are still in the mess hall. "Hey, y'all...Wes didn't say much before he left, but I think it's safe to assume that all is not well. And I also assume that it has to do with Jason. I think it would be a good idea for us all to have a prayer for him...lift him up to our Father and leave it in His hands..." He starts off the prayers, and one by one, the others take turns.

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