

*Anger rages inside Katie as she hears Cindys words.* "NO...THERE IS STILL HOPE. YOU CANT DO THIS. YOU CANT...YOU CANT TAKE HIM AWAY. HOW...HOW COULD YOU EVEN THINK OF THAT. HOW CAN YOU GIVE UP ON HIM!!!!!" *Tears flow from Katies eyes as her face turn purple than red as she gasps for air.*

*Rosetta hears Katie inside the room. Seeing her neice in so much pain and not being able to do anything kills her. Rosetta looks to Mick, her own tears now pouring from her eyes. Turning she heads down the hell and stairs out the window as the sky turns black and thunder is hurd in the distince.*

*Damien's heart acks as he hears Katies pleas and crys. How could the Agency be so crule to hurt these inocent people. The Agency had to be taken down. These people deserved to live the rest of there life in peace.*

*Softly Wendy crys as the news of Jason gets to them. How sad this day was.*

*The ranch is heavy and quiet as the rain starts to fall outside. Many continue to pray for those they know are hurting. They also pray for Jason that he has found peace with God."

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