

*Katie keeps her head on Jason's chest listing to the song. Leting his soft voice fill her. Katie looks at Jason as he lays with his eyes closed.* " I wont give up on you. I wont say goodbye. I'm here for you J." *Katie wants to say so much more, but words need not be spoken. Her pressence there says it all. Bowing her head Katie says her own prayer.* "God I know its not often you hear from me. But please lord, Make Jason better If not for me, for his family. Jason is to young to have his life cut short. Please make him better.*

*Rosetta goes over to Cindy and give her a hug.*

*Wes nods to Mick.* "Anything new?"

*Wendy bows her head waiting for everyone to finish than she says her own prayer.* " Dear lord. Please keep Jason in you arms. Wrap your blanket around him, please heal him. Please keep him mom, Granfather, and friend comfort in this time of need. IN Jesus name Amen"

*Angel nods as her daughter says her prayer.* "Yes lord. Keep him safe." *Angel's own tears fall.*

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*A dark figure makes its way up the steps. Opening a door they look into the room.*

*A small voice from one of the courners crys.* "What do you want with me? Why are you doing this?"

*The darkfigure lets out a cackling laugh.* "This was destined from the day you were born. Be good and maybe tomarrow you can go out and play."

*The small voice sobs.* " I dont like it here."

*The darkfigure closes the door, leaving eveything dark.*

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