
Silent Choice

Carson helps Misty back to the infirmary, ensuring that she gets back into bed alright. Giving he a light kiss, he smiles. "I'm going to head on home and try to get some sleep myself. I'll see you in the morning, alright?"

Jason stirs around the ice in his glass, the silence he had longed for becoming a prison of its own. As much as Camryn had irritated him, he couldn’t help but replay some of her words. “
No wonder you’re bitter…you’ve been through heck, haven’t you?” For some reason, the statement had gotten to him. Yeah…he’d been through heck alright…but he didn’t like to think about it. “So who’s the real Jason? The one I saw onstage earlier, or the one that’s sitting across from me now?” Jason didn’t know…he simply didn’t know who he was anymore.

Camryn had been annoying….but she’d started him thinking again, once more, his melancholy taking over the anger to settle the steam. He looks up at the clock on the restaurant wall. He imagined if everyone had gone to Mom and Pop’s, that they were probably finishing up eating right about now. He could imagine their chatter…their laughter. He missed it…but he just couldn’t join in.

Sighing, Jason gets up and retrieves his wallet to pay for his drink. Withdrawing his wallet, he stops, running his hand over the words pressed into the leather. “Friendship is what binds us.” It had been…could it ever be again? It felt like a poor exchange for what else they’d shared, but that was the past…that was over…wouldn’t friendship be better nothing? Could he not bring himself to a point where he could stop hurting people in order to gain back at least a portion of any bonds he’d had?

Jason makes his way out of the café, mounting his bike once again. He needed to return to the community building and help the guys tear down the equipment and get it loaded up. He may have bailed on the group setting, but he at least owed it to the guys to help out afterward. There was more to being a part of the band than just standing on stage.

As he revs his motorcycle’s engine and starts down the street, words start filling his mind. They fly through his subconscious, followed by a soft melody that he can’t shake.

The band and Jen all wave at Scott as if on cue, even though they’ve been conversing with him all evening. Kyle swallows his last mouthful of pizza and grins. “Any boyfriend of Katie’s is a boy….” His grin widens as he rephrases. “Is a friend of ours.”

Phil sends half a breadstick across the table at him. “Kyle!”


Mike rolls his eyes and leans back in his chair, accidentally bumping his elbow into Jen. “Whoops, sorry.”

Jen laughs. “My fault. I’m too close.”

“Well I didn’t think so.”

Without warning, color rises to Jen’s face that few notice. She looks away quickly, returning her stare to Katie. “I’m glad you brought Scott along with you tonight. The more the merrier.”

Scott can’t stand the attention, but swallows his discomfort. He looks at Katie. “I think I’m glad too.”

Laura bursts out laughing at Jamie’s comment. “Oh my…please…if you want him taken to finishing school, YOU take him. I wouldn’t be caught dead taking him to a place like that, let alone claiming him as my brother.” She shakes her head, still laughing. “I don’t think they accept tanks into their program.”

Con swallows his food and smirks at his sister. He points at Nate. “Control your girlfriend, will you?”

Turning his attention back to Jamie, his eyes narrow, still holding her in a tight grip. Not caring about all the other eyes at the table, he plants a quick but passionate kiss on her lips before straightening again. “You sure you want me reformed?”

The laughter and talking continues until everyone is too full to eat anymore and too sore to laugh any more. But the time together has been priceless.

“Alright, guys…” Phil stands up from the table. “We better get back on over to get our gear.” He stretches tall, nodding to his siblings and Mike as they prepare to leave as well. It was a given that Katie was invited along as well.

Everyone else begins to stand as well, most heading back over to the building again just to split into their own cars to make it home. Parting in the parking lot, they bid each other farewell. Laura finds her way back to Nate’s car, and Wyatt ensures that Aerith is with him again. Con and Jamie head out, while Scott gives Katie a goodnight kiss on the cheek, inviting her over to his place later if she wants to watch a movie.

JetStreamn's laughter and bantering continues, echoing outside the vacant community building. The event was over, only a few lights were still on. No one notices the motorcycle parked out back.

As they enter the building and make their way to the main room, Mike is in the lead and suddenly stops. “Shh,” he directs, waving the others quiet.

“What?” Kyle asks.

“Shh!” Mike emphasizes. The double doors to the main floor were closed, but a soft music was drifting out. He cracks the door, noting that no lights were on…

Phil furrows his brow in confusion, but remains quiet.

As the small group pauses at the doors, they suddenly realize that Jason had returned before them. Though sitting on the edge of the stage in the dark, he was strumming soothing notes on his acoustic guitar, oblivious to the presence of the others.

Jason sits quietly, the words still haunting him. They were relentlessly nagging at his mind. He hadn’t written them down, but it didn’t matter. He knew what is heart was trying to say. Believing he was alone in the darkened building, he begins to sing softly:

I don’t know,
Where I went wrong.
I don’t know,
How to say what I feel.
And I don’t know,
How time has slipped away…
But it’s gone.
Mmm…it’s gone.

If I could find the words to say,
It doesn’t matter anyway…

I miss you,
I see you.
But all the time has gone away.
I miss you,
And I’m sorry…
If I could turn the time back,
Oh, if I could turn the time back…
But it’s gone.

I don’t know,
Why I was blind.
I don’t know,
When I lost track of myself.
And I don’t know,
How my chance slipped away…
But it’s gone.
Mmm…it’s gone.

If I could find the words today,
It wouldn’t matter anyway…

I miss you,
I see you.
But all the time has gone away.
I miss you,
And I’m sorry…
If I could turn the time back,
Oh, if I could turn the time back…
But it’s gone.

Time never has learned mercy,
It can’t ever be gained back.
I know what’s lost is gone for good,
But can something new be found?

I miss you,
I see you.
But all the time has gone away.
I miss you,
And I’m sorry…
If I could turn the time back,
Oh, if I could turn the time back…
But it’s gone.
Mmm…it’s gone…
Time is gone…

The guys and Jen in the hall grow silent as they listen. No one wants to break into the moment...they all know what's on Jason's heart...they all know what has spawned this heartfelt song. Jen is the only one who dares to look up at Katie. The band was respectful and sensitive...if Katie wanted to enter first alone, they would let her, but if she'd rather not be put in that position, they would continue as they were. But the silence leaves the unspoken choice up to her.

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