
Replace Memories

*Misty leans her head aganst Carson forhead. She could tell something deeper was wrong with Carson. She could see in his his eyes and the way he talked.*

"Meh its only a bullet wound. This kind of thing happens every day ya know."

*Misty smiles alittle bit at Carson.*

"I can tell someone more is wrong than being tired Carson. Your just not yourself."

*Misty lets out a soft sigh wincing just alittle.*

"You know you can talk to me Carson. No matter what condition I am in. Its ubserd that you keep everything inside and let it fester inside of you when you have someone willing you listen."

*Misty's eyes show she was a bit irrotated but still showed the compation and comfort to Carson.*

*Jamie walks with Con feel wraped safe and sound in his strong arms and not having to worry about pushing and prying through the people. Some people stoped and watched as Con and Jamie walked by. Con's size drew alot of attachen to them sometimes but Jamie dident mind. She was proude to call Con her own. She felt safe in his arms, like nothing could hurt her and she never had to worry about someone messing with her eather.

As Jamie and Con take there seat Jamie leans into Con a smile on her face. She was so happy to be here with him. Jamie could never get tired of spending time with Con. He ment so much to her and always proved to be intresting.*

*Once parked Nate jumps out of the car going over to Laura's door. She was so much fun to hang out with Nate was happy to shair moment like this with her. Helping Laura out of the car she slings her arm around her waist and makes there way inside.

Nate puts his arms around Laura to protect her as they push through the crowd of people.*

"Excuse me, Pretty Lady coming though. Excuse me, need to find the pretty lady a seat."

*Finally finding a few open seats Nate lets Laura sit on the inside than sits next to her wraping his arm around her shoulder.*

*Aerith giggles and turns to look at Wyatt.*

"I am sure I will love them, but if I dont I'll tell you."

*As they finally park Aerith gets out and brushes out the wrinkles out of her dress reaching into her back and pulling out her vanilla body spray squirts herself than stands waiting for Wyatt to lead the way.*

*For a moment Katie takes in the words of Jason and watches as he walks away to find Kyle. This was a start. A start to there friendship being rebuilt. Katie turns and looks back out Accross the fence into the dessert land.

Katie heads back up the stags and behind the curiten taking one last look around making sure everything was ok. After staying behind for a while looking watching Katie heads down to the sound bored with Jen a smile once again resumed on her face.

As Scott sits down next to her Katie smiles down at him still resuming her standing postion her arms across as everyonce and a while she scans the crowd and the sides of the stage. After a quick check Katie bends down and gives Scott a small hug before resuming her position.

Hearing Jason's slip up in the music she knows no one alse can tell but after listing to them play for so long at practices and on stage Katie can tell its there. Trying to catch Jason's eye she gives aittle nod and a thumbs up trying to convay it was ok and he would be alright.

Jamie lets out a laugh at the display that was going on, onstage. Turning to Con she smiles and gives him a quick kiss.

As Kyle knocks over the glass of water Aerith lets out a laugh and than turn to Wyatt.*

"I dident know Jason was the lead singer. I met him the other day at Mom and Pop's. He's really good, not to mention these guy are funny."

*Jamie heads backstage with Con just in time to hear something about pizza. Lighting up she grabs Con's hand.*

"Ohh pizza I love Pizza. Can we go Con? Can we can we?"

*Aerith follows Wyatt to the back. Seeing the other she had met already she gievs a wave.*

"Hey guys!"

*Going over to Jason Aerith gives Jason a quick hug.*

"You sounded great Jason. I dident know you sang. You never told me that."

*Katie quirks an eyebrow to this new woman that seems to know Wyatt, Jason and everyone alse. She had never seen her before.

Katie stands with Scott and for a moment it a bit hesatent about going for pizza. *

"I'm not to sure..I feel up to Pizza."

*Nate makes his way over to Katie and gives her a friendly shove.*

"Ya right Katie your going for pizza and if you refuse again Scott and I will drag you. Right Scott?"

*Katie cant help but roll her eyes. Last time she had pizza with the band it held bad memories. But maybe it was time to replace thoug with some better ones.*

"Ok...I guess I will go. but can I refuse anyways just so you can drag me and I dont have to walk?"

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