
Too quiet

Alec tosses his cards down. All he'd had was a pair of nines. Gathering the cards, its his turn to deal. "You want to know everything? You want me to put all of my figurative cards on the table?"

Alec spreads his hands. "I don't know anything else, alright? Thirteen's got a home - great. She's got some Aussie sucker to go right alone with it. And Gage? He's too stupid to know better. Me, I'm like a tiger, brought in to the zoo. Not only do I just get to pace all day, I got creepy people staring at me, looking in on me, and making sure I behave. I'm gonna get that whether I'm behind bars or not. So why not choose bars where I get three free meals a day?"

Sighing, he looks back at the cards, unwilling now to play anymore. Dreams existed behind his eyes... dreamed he'd never dared to let surface. Underneath his thick outer shell, there was more that he expertly hid from the world to protect himself. Faced with the unknown... he would choose jail where he knew he'd fit in, rather than freedom where there was a risk of failure. He was no more a threat to the Elite than Gage... but it took an expert eye to see it.

Alec shakes his head. "I don't think there's much more to talk about here." He hands her back her cards. "Tell Reese what you will... I'm sure he's got Gage waiting in the next room over. He should be an easier target for you."

Jason rubs his forehead, hearing Katie's tired voice. "Okay, I'm gonna send Rick over. I'm sure he'll be there soon... I... I hope you feel better."

Ending the call, Jason goes straight to Rick, explains the situation, and Rick wastes no time in going to the house. Letting himself in, Rick quietly heads to where he knows Katie's room is. Tapping on the door, he cautiously enters, peeking in first. "Katie?" His voice is soft and gentle.

Approaching the bed, he eases down next to her, feeling her forehead. "What's wrong, hmm? Is it the medication, or something else?"

"How we doing this afternoon?"

Bret looks up at JT warily. "I don't know how "we" are doing, but I'm sore."

JT chuckles and starts checking Bret over. "Shoulder?"

"Hurts like you know what."


"Feels better."

"Mm." JT checks around the neck brace. "Might not be as bad there as I first thought." He moves down to Bret's lower body, then starts to poke and prod his leg.

"That's sore," Bret mutters.

JT suddenly stops, his eyes wide. "Say what?"

"I said it hurts..." Then Bret's eyes widen as well. "That's... that's a good thing, right?"

"It sure is." JT's hope was returning. "Can you move your leg at all?"

Bret stares down at it and concentrates, suddenly realizing that he could lift it again.

A smile spreads on JT's face. "Well, well, well, looks like you were holding out on us."

Bret's eyes were wide. "How? I mean..."

JT shakes his head. "Could be a number of things. "I was hoping to see this. See, your back received quite a shock, and I was hoping when that shock wore off, that no permanent damage had been done. We'll have to keep an eye on this, but hopefully... you're looking at a complete recovery."

"That sounds awfully good." Bret grins. "How long am I gonna have to stay in here?"

"Depends. We're looking at at least a week right now but... keep up the good attitude and you'll be out of here in no time."

Clint paces the small room, the bundle still sleeping in his arms. Wendy was resting quietly in the next room with Cecilia sleeping as well.

Clint's eyes almost drift shut as he rocks Chase, his boots creating a soft tempo on the wood floor. The door opening brings him back to attention and he sees his dad.

Jim gives him a smile. "Hey... just wanted to see how you guys were holding up."

Clint tries to smile wearily. "We're okay."

"Rough night?"

"Mm." Clint nods. "Haven't gotten much sleep."

Jim approaches and strokes Chase's head lovingly. "Can't be this guy giving you trouble."

"Oh, no," Clint rolls his eyes. "Not him." He smirks with sarcasm. "It's Cecilia who's quiet. Chase is the one who's kept me up the last two nights."

Jim chuckles. "Your sister was the quiet one of you two, too."

"Yeah well..." Clint sighs. Their baby girl just didn't move much at all. She was peaceful, but her energy was low, proving Angel right. "Cecilia is too quiet."

Jim catches the seriousness in Clint's tone and sets a hand on his shoulder. "Hang in there."

"Yeah... I will."

"Need anything?"

"Naw... Angel's been in and out. We're okay."

"Alright. If you do need anything, just holler."

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