

Ya I am gonna finish up with Wyatt here and whatnot if your still there when I am done and even if not I'll find ya to hang out with for a bit.

Letting out a sigh Katie's eyes follow Ty as he makes his way down the street. She didnt know what alse to do. Everything seemed to be falling apary. If it wasnt Scott it was something alse. Austin sure had mad a good mess of things. Letting out her own sigh and a shrug she turns back to

" There's nothing alse we can do. Once a Henson is stubborn you cant pull you just have to let them work it out and be there for him."

Shaking her head again Katie gets into Wyatt's truck.

"Lets follow him a safe distiance back just to make sure he is going to be ok for a little bit Wyatt."

As Ty goes one way down the street a slim fingure with curly brown hair moves up the other way quickly.

Looking behind her as if exspecting someone to be chasing her she bumps into Ty. Turning around and walking back words she calls to him.

"Sorry about that I didnt see you."

Turning back the other way she continues to move disapearing around the courner right as a nother figure moves past Ty in the same direction.

Giggling just a little for a moment Misty can see the old Carson as her arms wrap around him. As quick as it came it went. Misty wasnt sure what it ment, but if she held out, maybe the old Carson would be back. The one she had grown to love. For now she would love to love this Carson do he was the same person after all.

Curling her finger around his she gives a small shiver as the cold wind blows. Just now she had relized how cold it was.

"Lunch sounds great Carson..."

Misty smiles up at him as they walk.

"...as long as I can drive its starting to get colder out. Though being next to you I think I have enough heat."

Quirking a smile at Axel Jess cant but give a small giggle one that held a bit of nervouseness but not showing she was uncomfortable as the slight bit of flirtation in Axel's voice. Feeling a bit of color come to her cheeks Jess follows Axel into the back.

"Now I guess I can see what kind of real job a rainbow has."

Watching Axel Jess is relitivly quiet though she leans in the van with him touching a few things here and there, and even grabbing a rag to whipe off her own hands once or twice.

"Did you check the carbarator on this baby it looks like its warped a little."

Jess leans in a little closer to take a look but than relizes what she did and backs up a little. Pointing to the bolt on the top.

"See its warped, and looks ready to pop off. One would assume that might be one of the problems."

Looking to Axel she gives small smile and than backs up a few feet just letting him work.

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