

Because he's a lowlife, that's why.

Jason's words are riddled with anger and a burning hate. He steps back into his house after having Trooper out, and shakes his head.

As far as low self-esteem goes, Ty just needs a swift kick. He's just feeling sorry for himself. As far as me...

He grabs a light jacket and his keys.

I'm going to go check on Scott. Then after that I'll probably waste some time down at Mom and Pop's. If you want to catch up to me anywhere in there, it's fine.

Though "fine" didn't sound too convincing, Jason's eager emotions proved that he did want Katie's company, even if his mood didn't match.

Ty grits his teeth as Katie talks, unwilling to turn and look at her. "I'm not learning well," he mutters. "I'm not learning at all."

Despite his anger though, Katie's softer tone starts to bring him back down.. "You think I don't know the world is a big place? I've explored plenty. Remember where you found me?" He shakes his head. "I'm not scared of it, Katie. I simply don't fit in it."

Hearing Katie's final statements, Ty finally turns his head towards her, rolling his eyes. "Oh yeah... my brother getting his girlfriend pregnant... that's exciting all right. Maybe I'm not the stupid one after all." He shakes his head. "You may think this is a great time for a vacation, but you still got a job to return to, remember? I don't. I can't afford a trip even if I wanted it, which I don't."

"Well I can't afford a trip either," Wyatt states flatly as he rejoins them. "Not after bailing you out. Now come on."

The old Henson stubbornness shines through as Ty refuses to get up, proving beyond a doubt that he was indeed Jim's son.

"Ty," Wyatt warns. "If you know what's good for you, you get up off your sorry hind end and come with us."

As the officer unlocks the cell, Ty finally gets to his feet and trudges out, leading the way back down the hall. Within minutes, all three are back outside. But instead of heading to Wyatt's jeep, Ty turns and starts down the sidewalk.

Wyatt pauses by his door handle, looking after him in confusion. "Now what?"

"What do you care?" Ty turns around to talk as he walks backwards. "I'll not be babysat."

"Well where are you going?"

"For me to know."

"Ty!" Wyatt throws up his arms as Ty turns back around and continues his route away from the station. He groans and looks to Katie. "I don't know what more we can do."

Carson's heart skips a beat as Misty speaks, his pulse quickening even more as she draws closer to him once again. Feeling her arms around him... her warm breath on his skin... smelling her sweet hair... It enveloped all his senses.

Returning her kiss, he slides his arms further around her, one hand caressing the side of her face as his thumb runs down her cheek.

Pulling away slightly, he whispers, as if almost afraid this moment didn't really exist. "I've missed you too...so much." Returning his lips to hers, he lets a sweet kiss linger, his inner being feeling as though at last he's receiving the long drink of water he's thirsted for for oh so long.

Gently withdrawing, he keeps his hand to her face, just looking in her eyes again, making sure that this was real... that he really was getting another chance. A crooked grin surfaces and he moves to pull Misty into a rough hug. "Some Aussies are blessed with stupidity... at least this one was blessed with you in spite of it."

Still grinning, he stands up, taking Misty by the hand. "I'll treat you to lunch, if you let me..."

A grin finally escapes to accent Axel's face, just letting silence rule for a moment, returning Jess' gaze fearlessly. Letting his eyes remain on hers, he just waits, witholding words until finally she drops her own gaze. Almost chuckling but not quite, he puts his watch away.

"Well... I guess I haven't seen a car that could tell time yet. And I guess storm clouds can roll in at any time of the day, can't they?"

Grabbing a rag, he tries to get some of the grease off his fingers, but it just doesn't work, proving the stains would be there for a while.

"So..." He cocks his head and looks back up at Jess. "The boss is gone today."

He pauses, almost as if assuming she would know what that meant, before he goes on. "And since by now you probably have the magazines in there memorized..."

He shrugs and starts to amble back to the van. "You can come help keep Leo out of my hair." Turning around, he throws her an intentional crooked grin. "Or at least keep me company so I don't have to listen to his jabber."

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