

*Misty smile as Kyle draps his arms over her shoulder. Automaticly Misty brings her hands up to rest on his arms. Stairing at the still calming water one last time Misty lets out a content sigh. She was ready, the winds were changing, life was moving on and Misty was ready.

Slowly geting into the passanger seat and starts the car. Pulling out of the beach parkinglot Misty look at at Kyle holding the CD and wonders what he was doing. Seeing him reach back to put it in Misty smiles. She was happy to hear more. The style of the music was to her liking, on the harder side and Kyle had a very uneak voice that fit the rock music well. And thought she though it was crazy they he dident want to let anyone know about this talent and passion Misty wouldent tell a soul. Her lips were sealed and this was Kyle and her own's secrete.

One, by one Misty listens to the songs that come out, each one better than the last. Some Misty can put to her own life and others it was hard to believe Kyle wrote these a while ago. They seemed to fit the currant time so well.

Misty's head absintmindedly bobs to the music as she fingers tap the stearing wheel. The music was good, Misty liked it. Turning her head Misty smiles at Kyle before she goes back to focusing on the road and another song plays.

Hearing the next song about the Lord a new cureosity rises. She'd grown up in a christian home but had fallen away so long ago. So many questions she had were unanswered. So many reasons never given. But even through that and even though Misty dident totally understand she still liked the song.

Another song plays after this one ends. Misty listens carfuly to this one. Taking into the words as they cause a slight tear roll out of her eye that even shocks herself. It was a new feeling, she dident feel sad at all but happy. It wasent often Misty let anyone see her cry, let alone thinking all her tears were gone. But this time she just cant help it. Kyle has shaired something special with her that not even his own brother new about. Misty felt honnered for that in itself.

Finally as the songs draw to an end and the car is filly with silence Misty turns to look at Kyle before focusing back on the road.*

"Thank you for shairing that with me Kyle. I really, really like it and you sounded so good. You certinly had a good talent there. You're voice is gonna heal just fine ya know that. Than you can sing to me."

* Misty cant help the smile that spreads across her face. Reaches out her free hand and lets it rest on Kyle's arm. She was content and she just hurd something amazing. How much better could this day be.*

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