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Kyle shakes his head just slightly at Misty's comments. She really was making him feel good, but at the same time, at this point, he wasn't ready to change his mind about his secret. Not until he was confident of the outcome.

Being pushed on the shoulder, he can't help his laugh, and grabs Misty in a side headlock to drag her to the restaurant door, messing up her hair with his free hand. Standing back and grinning at his handywork, he opens the door for her and bows, letting her enter first.

Lunch is quiet but fun, Kyle keeping up his antics through the noon meal, despite his lack of speech. By the time he's able to be taken home, he's worn out, but happy, letting Misty know he'd be around and they'd do something again real soon.

Watching her drive away from his apartment, he cocks his head, seeing car disappear. But before he has much time to think, Phil has come out to greet him.

Several days later...

"No, we haven't found any leads. Nothing else has happened at their apartment though, so I think we're safe." Jason leans on his crutches in Reese's office, discussing the attack on the Mitts.

"And Carson?"

"Clean as far as we know." Jason rolls his eyes. "In this sense. Otherwise I don't know."

Reese quirks an eyebrow. "You want to elaborate on that?"

"Not really." Jason gives a little smirk. "Personal opinion I guess."

"As in...?"

Jason shrugs. "He looked like crap the last time I saw him. He's been running around with who knows what women, Nate picked him up in Vegas for some strange unknown reasons, he's been spotted drunk numerous times around town, he totaled his car in an accident that was his fault, though they say alcohol wasn't involved in that one. He has to pay out of his pocket for the other guy's injuries though, so he's low enough on money he doesn't even have his own place anymore. He's gained weight, looks like a bum and acts like one too." He cocks his head. "Honest enough for you?"

Reese rolls his eyes. "Quite. I thought he was staying at the restaurant."

"Yeah, I guess so. That's what Wyatt said anyway. Herb and Mabel are being awfully nice to him - the idiot doesn't deserve it."

"Does anybody?" Reese was just as ticked off about Carson as anyone, though he knew he'd been a good man once, and in a way, was glad to see someone having compassion on Carson.

Jason sighs. "Point taken. Anything else?"

"Nope. That's it." Reese waves to the door. "See you later. Have a good night."

Carson wipes off the counter at Mom and Pop's as the lights are shut off one by one. Giving a weary sigh from the busy day, he says goodnight to the others before heading back to the little room. It had been less than a week since he'd started sleeping here, but he was getting used to it slowly. Tonight he was tired, but more bored than anything.

Flipping on the little tv in the corner, he finds nothing good on. His nerves shot from the day, he grabs another stick of gum, trying to curb his cravings once more. With as many times as he'd quit smoking, he'd think that it would be easier... but it was always the same.

An hour later, Carson gives up on trying to rest. Slipping on his tennis shoes and grabbing his jacket, he heads out for an evening walk. He couldn't get into much trouble...Herb still had his wallet. Tonight it would just be a walk and only a walk.

"Kyle, I'll get the front door, you get the back."

Kyle looks up from where he was mopping, and waves to Sue to let her know he got it. She and the others had been getting the hang of looking at him for responses the last couple days since he'd started work again, under orders not to talk.

Giving the floor once last swipe, he looks at it with satisfaction and goes to put everything away. By the time he's got the lights shut off, everything in it's place, and has changed out of his work clothes, it's later than he had anticipated. Glancing at his watch, he notes that he's going to be late. He'd been in touch with Misty earlier, setting up a time to meet her at the ice cream place tonight after work, but she'd be getting there before him now.

Going for his cell phone, he's quick to send her a text message. Work sucks. Late. Give me twenty minutes. See ya there.

Grabbing the keys off the counter, he heads through the kitchen to the back, making sure everything was closed up for the night. Stepping out into the back alley, he shuts the door securely behind himself.

The last thing he remembered was turning the key.

Carson takes a deep breath of the evening air, looking up at the sky and for a moment, wishing he could see the sunset. But he was across town, where there were too many buildings. He'd been walking for quiet a while, but still had no desire to turn back yet. He felt almost as if this were a parallel to his life...walking without really getting anywhere, and with no destination in mind. Breathing a little heavily, he chides himself - he was so out of shape, it wasn't even funny.

As he's rounding another block, suddenly he hears the squealing of car tires as an engine is revved. Looking quickly, Carson can see a back car skidding to a stop just long enough for two guys to get in before it takes off, speeding down the road. A red flag shoots up in the back of Carson's mind. Those guys had looked familiar. Too familiar. What were they doing around here though? And why had they come from behind a restaurant that was closed for the night?

To satisfy his curiosity and the slight concern starting to rise, Carson picks up his pace a little and after looking to make sure no one else was around, he slips around the Pizza Box. His steps crunch on bits and pieces of gravel and dirt on the hard ground. Turning in to the back alley, he suddenly stops. A figure was lying in a heap near the back door. What on earth...

Adrenaline races through his veins as he sprints into a jog, sliding to a halt near the victim and kneeling down next to him. Carefully rolling him over, Carson's heart catches in his throat. Before he can blink, he's already got his cell phone out and is dialing 911.

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