

Kyle watches Misty’s reaction to the music, surprised sometimes, others pleased. As she pays him the compliment when all songs are done, he smiles, though his gaze drops with a bit of embarrassment. There was some pride there too, but it did feel kind of different to actually have played this for someone. He’d resisted for so long…it felt good to share it with Misty, especially since she enjoyed it so much.

Feeling her hand on his arm, he looks at it quickly, surprised. A grin spreads though, and he takes her hand to give it a little squeeze. His humor still in tact, he gives her a teasing look, and reaches over to place her hand back on the steering wheel before straightening in his seat as if bracing for a collision.

Throwing her a sidelong glance, Kyle laughs and shakes his head. He really did trust her driving.

As they draw nearer to town, Kyle sighs deeply. He could have been telling her so much by now if only he’d been able to talk. Leaning down he grabs his backpack and pulls out his notepad and fishes around for a pen. It was worth the effort to write…signing or gesturing would take too long and this was too complicated anyway.

He scribbles away at a fast pace as they come into town and by the time they reach the little diner for lunch, he’s filled a page. After Misty has parked, he tears it out and hands it to her.

I’ve had this CD for a while. Some friends in a rock band convinced me to do it. It’s what I’ve wanted for a long time. But I’m loyal to JetStream. I don’t want to cause a competition. Jason is like my brother and he belongs in the lead. They want me on keyboard and writing the music, so I stay. I don’t sing like this around them because I don’t want them to know I can. It would only cause trouble. It’s a hard secret because it’s what I love – even harder now that I may never be able to do it again. But maybe that’s the answer. If I can’t, then there’s no more problem.
Glad you liked it though. I’ll burn you a copy if you promise not to sell it at a profit!

Kyle unbuckles his seatbelt, letting Misty read. This was something not even Phil or Jen knew about. His heart and soul were on the line when it came to his music, and though hard to let someone in on it, it wasn’t that difficult with Misty. He knew he could trust her.

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