

Putting her arms around Jason Katie returns his kiss. Her mind falling silent for a moment as she just takes in the moment. Than finally it starts back up again.

Half teasing and half meaning it Katie gives a small chuckle.

Yeah it does just don't let it go to your head.

Finally pulling away Kaite just smiles at Jason for a moment trying to put her mind to rest. Everything would work out right? She would just have to have faith in him. He never let her down before, and she always had turn in him. This was not the time to start losing it.

"Mmmm...lunch sounds good."

Smiling back at Rocky Jess face lights up with a bit of color. She couldnt help it, it was something that just happend alot more recently.

"I am doing ok. Work wasnt as busy as I though it was going to be, hence why I am here and the back roads arnt so bad at this time of day so I didnt have to deal with any of the people."

Taking a sip of her tea Jess is silent for a moment just taking in the sounds around her. A small grin forms on her lips.

"So, I though being a delivery man you would know how to get places on time?"

Jess cant help the chuckle that escaps her lips. Thinking about it she really did know much about Rocky to be able to talk with him about much more than just work. Maybe after today she would know a little more.

Looking up from her desk Hope smiles as she see Scott. It was good to see him again and nice that he came back. She had hoped he would for his own sake.

"Afternoon Scott. How are you feeling today?"

Seeing the envilop in Scott's hand Hope's face lights up. It was good to know that Scott had found the inshitive to go out, and do something other than sit inside all day. She had hoped he would, not only was it something he loves that helped open him up without even saying any words, but it help him feel a tad bit comfortable with getting some fresh air.

Gently taking the envilop from Scott Hope pulls out the pictures. Flipping through them Hope's nods her head and smiles finding each over very intersting and the moment of the picture captured to perfection. Scott had a great eye for pictures that Hope noticed. A few of her own conclutions were drawn from the pictures but she wanted Scott to tell her more.

Laying the photo's in front of her Hope studys them again for a moment before finally looking up to Scott. Pointing to the picture of the young woman and then the picture of the tree branches intertwining together, than the rose Hope questions.

"These pictures , what do there represent to you? Why did you capture them in time?"

Feeling Clint's hands on her shoulders Wendy can't help the smile that forms on her face. No matter what, and now matter how much she was scaired without her mom around Clint did make her feel better when he was around.

Putting her hand on top of his Wendy is silent for a moment. There really was nothing anyone could do. She had to deal with this and work through it the best way she could.

"How about a hug? Your good at those and I could use one!"

Wendy smiles up at Clint. The tired lines under his eyes showing. Wendy had felt bad that Clint wasnt sleeping well latly. It was hard, it was hard for them both but Wendy felt more sorry for him than she did herself.

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