
How many?

Not even being able to answer before Rocky is out the door Jess just shakes her head. She didn't even know if she would have time to go to lunch today or not, but obviously Rocky didn't want to wait and hear no as the answer.

Shaking her head the smile lingers on Jess face. It was a nice break in the day to see a friendly face and if she could find the time for lunch she would replay Rocky by meeting him. Getting back work Jess cant help the tiny bit of brightness that was left on her face.

The smile stays on Katie face though in the moment she had being a little excited about now having TJY back to normal a suddon worry came over her. Not that Jason wouldnt be a good leader but a worry that maybe...maybe she wasnt even sure but something didnt feel right. It felt almost as if the storm cloude was looming stuff collecting what it needed before it broke.

"No, I dont think anyone will throw you to the wolfs at all. But I do think they have a right to know."

Giving a small sigh Katie straghtens in the chair she had clamed at her own. Just stairing at the floor for a moment before looking up again and meeting Jason's eyes.

"Ok, I wont tell anyone yet but don't wait to long before you do tell them. It sure would be nice to have Reese and Ty back. Even if Reese is a pain in the butt sometimes. I know you will do whats right and will make a good leader."

Standing Katie walks over to Jason and gently places her hands on his shoulders as she gently rubs them. A small chuckle escaping her lips.

"I don't believe I am going to be taking orders from you now. Who would of thunk."

Entering the tiny Chinese restront Jess looks around for a moment to see if Rocky was there yet.
The rest of her morning had gone pretty smoothly. It wasnt as busy as Jess though it would of been today but she didnt mind much, the slow time was what gave her the chanse to be at lunch right now.

"How many?"

A woman startles Jess breaking her from her train out though but quickly smiles at her than looks back to all the people scaning the face once more. Not seeing Rocky yet she decieds it couldnt hurt to find a table and wait.

"Two but my friend is not here yet."

Giving a nod the waitress mostions for Jess to follow taking her across the restront floor and to a booth in the back.

"Can I get you something to drink while you wait?"

Sliding into the booth Jess starts to take her jacket off replying to the woman.

"Yes please some hot tea would be nice."

Once the woman walks away Jess glances at the door once more and than waits looking down at her placemate reading what was on it.

Slowly making her way into the shop Wendy slips into the office for the most part unoticed. Her body acked, she had gotten sick the morning, all she wanted to do was sleep..today was not her morning and she new that it was only going to get worse before it got better. Not to mention not having her mom around the ranch in case something happend frightend her just a little. It had been a while since she started stay at the ranch all the time now, and she had gotten use to the normal day in and day out ruteen. Knowing her mom was always just footsteps away if she needed she was a comefort. But now she was so far away and Wendy couldnt help but worry.
Wendy could only hope that keeping herself busy with work would put her mind at ease and make time move faster.

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