
Mountain dew

Rocky’s eyebrows lift just a little at Jess’ remark about not going out to lunch with the delivery man, and for just a moment, he believes her until he sees her trying to hide her smile.

Leaning against the desk, he folds his arms across his chest and waits until she looks up again. Her mention of a rock star makes him laugh. “Well, I don’t see any rock star around here.” He looks over his shoulder as if making sure. “But if you don’t mind me as a substitute…”

His smile is aimed at her. “Chinese buffet… at noon.” The beeper on his belt goes off, and he looks at it quickly. “In the meantime, I gotta scoot. I expect to see you there.”

He throws Jess a wink before heading out the door.

Jason stares at Katie, letting her suggestions sink in. And at first, it sounds great. But then something else appears in his mind, and he stops himself from getting too excited.

“I don’t know, Katie, I mean… maybe I need to think about these things first, ya know? I don’t think anybody is gonna throw me to the wolves when they find out what happened here, but… I think maybe I should be a little more cautious about things. Maybe sit on it a while.”

An old pride had suddenly emerged through the other emotions. It was an old feeling that had at one time driven him to excel and driven him towards the ultimate goal of leadership. He’d settled eventually, satisfied with his other roles. But today… today that old goal had been handed to him free and clear. There were things even Reese had done that Jason hadn’t liked. Could he now change those things? Wouldn’t bringing Reese back just complicate things? A part of Jason wanted to see if he could do this on his own first. He liked Reese, but he wasn’t sure he’d like all the free advice that would come along with rehiring him.

Jason’s eyes suddenly meet Katie’s again, and he knew that these thoughts and feelings had seeped out. He didn’t mean them to be bad, or arrogant… they were just what he felt, and he didn’t want to be too hasty in making decisions.

“I… I don’t want to tell everybody yet. I want to think first.”

Carson enters the Mom and Pops kitchen quickly, out of breath from hurrying in through the back. “Sorry I’m late, Herb,” he apologizes. It had been quite a while since he’d been late, so he knew he’d be forgiven this morning. He hadn’t needed to be here early, but he was still a good hour late.

Throwing on his apron, he tries to get his bearings. It looked like a busy morning. His mind is tired though, and it’s hard to concentrate. The night had been long. After finally getting to bed, his mind hadn’t wanted to shut down. Thoughts were of the holdup, and of the words Axel had spoken to him.

The mess in the front still bothered him. Though the plastic over the window didn’t seem to bother customers any or slow them down. And at least this time it wasn’t his fault. And at least Herb hadn’t seemed worked up over it.

But really, that whole situation wasn’t nearly as troublesome as what Axel had said to him. Had Axel been right? And even if he had been, what did it mean?

A small pang hits Carson’s heart. A longing stirred – one that he’d succeeded in thwarting… one that he’d succeeded in burying deeply enough that it would quit bothering him. But now… now he questioned everything.

He pauses a moment while chopping peppers. He’d meant to call Misty this morning, but had forgotten in his mad rush to get here. Maybe he’d call her for lunch. Or maybe… he didn’t know. He wasn’t sure of anything anymore.

Kyle sits on the park bench, bent with his elbows resting on his knees. He should go home. But he didn’t want to. He should be out searching, but he had no motivation. After five years… after building up trust and a good reputation… after earning his way up to management… this morning felt like more than a slap to the face. It was more than a hit to his ego.

Phil runs a comb through his hair, and heads for the answering machine. He’d heard the phone ring a few minutes ago, but had been in the shower. Hitting the play button, he waits, then is confused as he hears the male voice for Kyle. It was Shane. But… what did he want? Phil didn’t know their old friend had been hanging out with Kyle at all, but… He lifts his eyebrows at the mention of “tonight’s workout.” Then it hits him. Shane used to do karate. The pieces suddenly begin to fall into place. Kyle hadn’t been with Rocky all these late nights. He’d obviously been physically active. But… he hadn’t taken an interest in karate since he’d been a kid, and even then, it hadn’t been all that serious. Why this, why now?

He shrugs and leaves the message for Kyle. His brother had been quiet and evasive lately. It was odd, but… who was he to stick his nose in? His questioning had only led to arguments thus far.

Finally arriving home, Kyle walks in the door and simply heads to the living room, sinking down into the couch, not even bothering to take off his jacket.

Phil is just ready to head out for the lumberyard, but stops, looking at the clock. “Kyle?” He himself was heading in for a later shift than normal, but Kyle was supposed to be at the Pizza Box right now. “Kyle, what are you doing home?”

Kyle leans his head back to stare up at the ceiling. “I’m sitting on the couch. What does it look like I’m doing?”

Phil frowns. “Why aren’t you at work? Off early?”

“Yeah, something like that.”

Phil doesn’t trust his brother’s tone. “What do you mean?”

“I got fired, alright?”

Phil’s jaw drops. “What? Why? What happened?”

“Somebody stole some cash. Nothing could be proved. No one came forward. It was either me or the other guy, so we both got sacked.”

“Aw, Kyle.” Phil was genuinely sorry. His brother had held that job for quite a while. But faithfulness meant nothing to new management. “Now what?”

Kyle shrugs lamely. “They’re not pressing charges, so… I guess I find another job.”

Phil sighs deeply and eases down across from his brother, forgetting about his own work right now. It could wait. This was more important. “So you’re with two bands now, you quit the worship team at church, you’ve picked up karate again…”

Kyle lifts his eyes. “Figured it out, huh?”

“Yeah.” For the first time in a long time, Phil felt the opening to talk. Perhaps it was because Kyle was low from losing his job. “What’s really going on? Why all the changes?”

Kyle shrugs again. “Just… looking for something different I guess. Trying to get out of the same old mold.”

“I get that. But why all the secrecy?”

Kyle lets silence fill the gap for several seconds. “Guess I just wanted to do things on my own terms. I’m me… I do the things I want to do, and quit worrying about other people’s opinions or criticisms.”

Phil frowns. “I’m sorry you feel that way about me… and Jen… and Mike… and Jason.”

Kyle sighs. “I didn’t mean it was your fault. I just… I don’t know. I was wrong, and I’m sorry.” He gets to his feet, taking off his jacket. “Now I need to look for a job.”

Phil’s window of opportunity was gone. “You be alright?”

Kyle lets out a laugh. “As if I’m the first person to ever lost his job.” He smirks. “I’m fine. You better go though, or you’re going to be out of a job too.”

“You sure you’re alright?”

Kyle approaches his brother, leaning down to look him closely in the eye. “Phil Mitts… I am fine.” Humor sparks in his eyes. “Don’t make me wrestle you to prove it, because I’ll win.”

Phil relents and laughs, shaking his head. “Do you ever settle down?”

“Nope.” Kyle straightens and bounds into the kitchen. “But I do need some mountain dew to help me through!” He skids to a stop in front of the refrigerator. “Hey… that rhymes. Phil! I got our next new song!”

Phil rolls his eyes and heads for the door. “Great, Kyle. Don’t take too much sugar, alright? I want this place in one piece when I get back.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Kyle holds the fridge door open, until he hears Phil leave. But once alone, he lets the door fall shut, his shoulders dropping again. Instead of getting on the internet, or looking a the paper for jobs, he goes to his room and flops down on his bed.

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