

Seeing the look of enjoyment in Rocky's eyes Jess is pleased. She wasnt ashamed to admit that she had, had a blast as well. It was nice to enjoy the movie and some laughs with a new friend. Jess had missed this interaction with people and for a moment it made her relize just how alone she was. Straghting for a moment and pushing the feeling away Jess just smiles.

As She feels Rocky looking down on her Jess leans back a little and looks back up at him. Her eyes meeting his as they linger for a long moment, and the smile staying on her face. His eyes were so luring and soft Jess felt like she could look into them forever. Finally as Rocky pulls away Jess stands walking slowly to the door. Taking Rocky's number in her hand she can feel her cheeks turn a shade of red. This was the first time a guy had given her his number and though it might have been nothing more than a friendship thing the color came anyways. In a soft voice she reply.

"Ok, thank you. Have a good Night Rocky"

Closing the door behind him Jess just stands in her quiet apartment for a moment holding the paper in her hand. Turning Jess goes into her room and sinks down on the bed. Everything seemed so quiet now and for the first time Jess felt very alone. Picking up her phone she she dials the number that were written on the paper. Feeling a bit strange she trys not to pay attachen to it. Waiting for Rocky to answer Jess cant help her nervouse laugh.

"Hi, sorry to be calling you so soon but after you left I relized I forgot to thank you for the fun time as well so....thank you Rocky."

Hearing Austin's words hit a spot in Angel's heart. She had known at one point in time her and Austin had a strong attraction for eachother but differnt sercomstances always stood in the way of anything more than a friendship with him. Wendy was even named after a child Austin would of named his own. But over the time Angel had thought that, that feeling that they had so long ago had died but now it was clear for Austin it did not.

Standing Angel didnt want to go but she could feel her tiredness growing stonger as her head started to spin. She had to go before she passed out infront of Austin and made him worry but she couldnt just leave him there not like this...a little more time....she could stay a little more. She had to pushed herself and keep herself with it. Stepping a little closer to Austin Angel brings her hand to his face a brushs some hair from his eyes as she smiles.

"The point of staying in touch is I am your friend Austin and you need to stop letting the ghosts of the past follow you around. Life happens, and crap happens but we need to deal with it. I'll always care a great deal for you..."

Angel can feel herself growing weaker but she had to finish what she was saying she had to stay strong.

"..that will never change Austin. At work you know what your doing, but maybe your trying to hard. Ease up a little and just, let everyone be who they are ment to be there. Your a good guy and a bit a great boss, but your trying to...h..."

Trying to finishs her statment Angel withdraws her hand from Austin's face and brings it to her own head and everything starts to spin and the room goes out of focue and black than back in again...No not like this....

"I...I have to go."

Taking a step forward Angel's knees buckel as she can feel herself falling twords the ground though she sinks into the coution of the coutch for a moment just falling silent. Keeping her eyes closed she trys to regain her equilibreum and stop everything from spinning. Finally after a few moments she opens her eyes again and looks up at Austin. Worry layed in her eyes as if crying for help because there master wouldnt ask.

"I'm ok. I guess I am just more tired than I thought. Probley should be heading back now. Maybe tomarrow we can do lunch?"

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