

Feeling Angel’s hand against his face, Austin closes his eyes for a moment, soaking in her gentle warmth. How much had he missed out on, because of his own foolish mistakes?

Her words of advice fell on his ears as truth… but even truth sometimes has a hard time penetrating a heart hardened by time.

His eyes open again and he gazes at her with a look that had lost so much. There was so much lately he could never take back. It wasn’t as easy as just easing up.

Austin is ready to say something, when he sees Angel falter and have to sit down. His intent immediately shifts, his sorrow turning into worry. Searching her face, he shakes his head. "Let me take you back to your hotel," he offers. His tone indicates it was not a request. Their conversation was left behind, there to be revisited later. But for now, he would not dwell on it. This took priority.

Reaching down, he helps Angel back to her feet. "Come on. You can't fool me... you're not feeling well, and you probably shouldn't have even gotten out tonight."

Without waiting for acceptance, he slips on a pair of shoes and grabs a jacket with his keys. "The last thing I'm gonna let you do is get in some whacked taxi driver's cab."

Rocky's ringing phone startles him, and he fishes in his pocket as he waits for a red light. Seeing the number, he furrows his brow, not recognizing it. After answering and hearing Jess' voice though, a smile spreads on his face and he gives a soft chuckle.

"You didn't have to thank me, but you're welcome anyway." He pauses as he makes a turn towards his house.

He didn't mind the silence on the line. It wasn't awkward. He knew Jess was waiting for him to say more, but he teases with letting the pause linger before finally giving in. "I'm just about home, so I guess that puts us both safe and sound for the night. You get some sleep. And... unless my predictions are off, I think I'll probably see you again soon."

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