
Good Luck

Smiling as Katie receves the rose a smile spreads on her face. Jason and herself hadnt talked this much since this morning but she didnt mind to much. She was still pretty tired fomr the preious events.

No need to thank me J. I'd go to the end of the earth for you. You mean alot to be and it has just become second nature.

Smiling up at him Austin's harsh voice makes her jump. She turns her head fast just eyeing him for a moment. So much stress had beening happening as of late and most of it had started when Austin had taken over.

As Jason turns to leave Katie relays a quick message.

Good luck J keep you cool.

As Jason leaves Katie lets out a long sigh. She couldnt help he feeling of dread that came over her. She felt like something was going to happen, something bad. Trying to get back to work Katie just cant consintrat as many feelings were ranging inside Jason but where not being shaired. Katie hated the feeling of running into a wall and that was just as bad as getting to many feelings to fast but there really was nothing alse she could do.

...Looking up quickly from her desk again as the door to Austin's offince slams Katie is saprised to see Austin storming out of the TJY building. A wave of worry flashs over Katie. Searching her feeling fast she trys to find out what happend but only gets bits and peaces along with Jason message.

J...what happend? Whats going on? Got yourself into what?

Searching a little more Katie looks for more answers finally gathering enough infor to understand what was going on. Almost stunned Katie is silent for a moment before relaying anything to Jason.

Austin...quit? Wha....

Quickly getting up from her desk Katie is to tired to try and relay anything more to Jason through emotions as she was still getting his own feelings she had to save her strangth. Heading for Austin's office Katie enters and closes the door behind her.

"Jason...what..what now?"

Looking up from her desk Jess see the delivery man enter into the office. Thinking nothing of it she goes back to work like normal. Its not untill Jess hears Rocky's voice does she relize who it is.

Lifting her head slowly a smile spreads across her face. Shaking her head she gives a small chuckle.

"No your not going crazy nor have you forgotten my name, but I guess to make sure I can sign for you."

Taking the pen and the bored Jess signs her name fast. If someone didnt know who she was they would still wouldnt know after she signed. Her signature was hard to even read.

"There you go, but good luck trying to make out what it says."

Leaning over the desk just a little Jess smile grows. It was good to see Rocky again so soon. He made her smile and that was a good thing. Not to mention seeing him broke up her dull day.

"It's good to see you again Rocky! You get to see me in my work zone and now I get to see you in yours. How is your day going?"

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