
Don't make me

Rocky settles back on the couch, grabbing the bottle of water that Jess had brought him. He grins at her comment. "Of course I have good taste. I'm not a movie buff for nothing." He takes a swig of his water and joins in eating some of the chips, remaining fairly quiet during the moving, but several times he can't contain his laughter, watching some of the funny scenes.

As the credits start to roll, Rocky stifles a yawn. Leaning back in the couch, he stretches out, somewhere along the line having taken off his shoes.

Glancing at his watch, he gives Jess a sidelong glance. "Well..." He sighs and leans down to slip his shoes back on. "Guess when the credits start rolling, the evening inevitably must come to an end."

Turning, he gives her a little grin. "Not that I want it to." His eyes reach hers, a gentleness to his gaze, while mixed with the glint of pleasure, proving that even though the evening had been chaotic earlier, he'd ended up enjoying his time with her.

He hopes that Jess will be comfortable alone now, though knows that regardless, it was late, and he should go home.

Standing up, he grabs his empty water bottle, and wanders to the kitchen to find the garbage. Ambling back to the living room, he leans over the back of the couch, cocking his head to see Jess' face. "I know you asked me to stay so I could keep an eye on things for a while, but if I left without thanking you for the good time I had, I'd feel badly."

A smile forms. "Thanks, Jess. You're a special person. Don't let anybody tell you different."

Searching her eyes, the next moment is quiet until he finally straightens up as if prying himself away. Heading to the door, he stops at the small table to grab a piece of scratch paper and a pencil, jotting down his number. "If you need anything... don't hesitate, alright? Bad enough we got goons like those lame robbers running around - I don't want to find out something happened and you didn't call."

Donning his jacket, he pauses at the door, his hand resting on the knob. His voice is low and soothing. "Goodnight, Jess."

Austin looks down at Angel's hand that rested on his arm, growing quiet again. He finally reaches over with his other hand, to give hers a soft squeeze before withdrawing. He looks up at her eyes for a moment, but then drops his gaze once more.

"I don't know how I am anymore," he admits quietly. "The world just gets harder and harder to deal with."

His eyes still down, his shoulders drop a little, signaling that his resistance is failing. "I miss the past too. I made a lot of stupid mistakes... but at least I had a goal. Now... now it's all just gray. The world hates me, and now those around me are starting to hate me too."

Angel's question once again of why he didn't stay in touch lingers on the air. "Why stay in touch with the untouchable?" he asks softly. He stares at the floor. "I have nothing left, Angel."

Austin finally looks up to meet Angel's eyes, his own begging her not to make him tear open wounds that no one had known even existed. "Don't make me tell you how stupid I feel... don't make me tell you how I think of the past every night, just wishing I could wake up and it would all be a dream, so I could change the choices I made. Don't make me tell you the things that I have no right to anymore."

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