
Still here?

Bret gives Charlotte’s forehead a light kiss before letting her go, and stands in the doorway, watching long after she’d already disappeared down the sidewalk. He could hear crickets chirping, and the wind rustling the leaves in the front yard trees. A horn honked in the distance…somewhere across town a siren went off…a dog barked down the street. But the noises didn’t bother Bret tonight.

Taking a deep breath, he lets it out long and slow. Had he been so miserable these past four years? If someone had asked him two weeks ago, he would have said no. He was rid of being tied down, he was free, he could do what he pleased, he had a good job and a house of his own… But since last weekend…Bret had been reminded of two things that he’d truly been missing out on: live and love. And with that reminder came the longing to gain them back. Was it possible?”

Thinking for a few minutes, Bret finally retreats, shutting the door for the night.

Carson is grateful for Misty’s return, but all it seems to do is intensify his emotions, and he tries desperately to control him. He didn’t like publicly displaying them, least of all when fear or sorrow were involved.

Gritting his teeth, he loathes the one tear that escapes to mingle with the blood on the side of his face. “She was at my grandparents,” he manages. “Only twelve. I had her sent her away. She was told we all died in a car accident.”

Leaning his head to the side to rest against the bars where Misty’s head is, he swallows hard. “All I ever knew was that she got sent to the United States. But now…someone found her, and they’re going to kill her, or worse, turn her in to the Agency if I don’t pay. That’s why…”

He draws in a shaky breath, wincing as pain surges through his ribcage. “That’s why I did it…to get the money…I couldn’t involve the law…I don’t even know where he is or where Danni is. I can’t let the Agency get her…I can’t let them kill her…”

His fist tightens as the anger tries to overtake his sorrow. He hadn’t felt such a turmoil of emotions since being told Misty’s plane had gone down, and now it felt just as unbearable. “I have to call Zane and try to get an extension on payment or he’s going to go through with his threats.”

Carson pauses, his eyes closed, trying to stay on top of this. He was a prisoner a the worst time. “My phone is on the kitchen table.”

Jason slowly comes out of the anesthetic, groggily looking around the room, everything in a blur. He turns his head a little bit and makes out a figure, and though not able to see details, he feels that it’s Katie.

A slight grin quirks the corner of his mouth, even though it hurts. “You still here?” he mumbles. “You should be home…in bed.”

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