

*As Misty sets Jason down and Dane leaves the room. Misty slowly makes her way over to Jason. Her mind realing. Put pushing her own pain away for now that would come later. Bending down Misty starts to check Jason over. There wasent much Misty could do right now but she could check him all she could and try to make him comfortable. Hearing his comment a smile spreads across face making her chuck dispite the pain she was feeling. Leaning in Misty presses her lips to Jason softly becarful of his broken open lip. Pulling away she whispers.*

"Hang in there Hun."

*Misty keeps her fingers locked with Jason as they sit and wait. Not knowing what was going all they could do was wait.*

*Katie directs Sharif Brown and the other marking where to go in her own gun drawn she lets the other go in first and than follows. Still following her feelings to find Jason she could tell he was in a bad way. Pushing through the people, and glancing her hind her as the cops swarm, Katie looks ahead again coming to a doop. Turning the nob she can tell this was where they were. Opening the door Katie scans the room and holstering her gun for the time being she goes over to there side bending down.*

"J, Misty."

*Misty perks up as the door opens. A wave of releaf passing over her as she see its Katie.*

"Kaite we need to get Jason to the infermary so I can take care of him and fast. Can you help me get him out of here?"

*Misty stands and grabs Jason's shoes and shirt. Sliping his shoes on and ot worry about the sox or shirt Misty tucks them under her amr.

Katie gives a nod that she will help. Just seeing Jason messed up like this gave her all the stragnth she needed*

"Its ok J. I'm here. Were gonna get you out of here and fixed up in no time."

*Taking his on arm Katie pulls it over her shoulder as Misty gets the other being gentil and pulling his arm over her shoulder. Finally geting Jason to his feet they start to make there way out of the building going in and out of people. There aim Katie's car to get Jason to the infermary. Katie catches Officer Brown's eyes and nods leting him know she was geting Misty and Jason out of there.*

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