
Your Wish

*Misty slids in the back seat with Jason resting his head in her lap trying to keep it sapported all she can in case of head or neck injories. Keeping her hand gently on his face trying to keep him away. Misty lets out a sigh at she looks down at Jason.*

"My boyfriend huh? Am I even able to still call him that?"

*Misty shakes her head not wanting to think about it right now.*

"Nah, you dont look that bad. You never look bad J. The bumps and bruses just add the the hottness."

*Katie keeps driving, as fast as she can back to TJY. Glancing at in the review mirror every once in a while. She wasent a docture but she could tell Jason wasent good. Pushing her own emotions away she stays focused. Leting out a laugh at Jason's comment of her driving.*

"You better watch there buddy or I'll drag you into TJY."

*Katie trys to force a small smile.*

*Finally arriving at TJY Katie and Misty both help Jason inside and are greeted by Nate who takes over for Katie helping with Jason, though Katie still follows close behind. Geting Jason into the infermary and laying him down Nate smile gently pating his friends shoulder.*

"Dont you worry about that boot to the head. I have a thick skull."

*Nate looks to Misty who is instinly geting to work.*

"What can I do?"

"Go bring me ice and lots of it. Katie take this cloth and start cleaning out the wounds for me. That place wasent exacly clean."

*Misty goes to the cabnit pulling out a bag of clear liquen and seting it.*

"Your gonna feel a pinch in your arm Jase. I'm seting you up on an IV to get some fluid back in you."

*Going back to the counter Misty puts some gloves on and sticks Jason with the IV also pusing some anitibiotics into the tube as well. Than Going back Misty starts as his head directing Nate to hold the Ice on his eye.

A few moment later afer the ice and cust are clean Misty directs the other to leave so she can work and have room for them both to breath. Once the room is cleared Misty starts at Jason's head examing it and talking to him aloud.*

"You got a nice pump on your head it could be a concustion. I'll probley keep you here a day or so to keep an eye on you."

*Working her way down Misty gets a needle and thread sewing up a gash on the right side of Jason's face.*

"Shesh that was pretty you have 13 stiches on that one and on your other side you have a chipped cheek bone. Its not to bad, it should heal nicly and face."

*Misty continues to work going to Jason's neck, to his chest, running her hands over every bump. Feeling his sides she cringes alittle.*

"Well you have 2 crack ribs on the right side and one on the left."

*Going to the cabnit once more Misty gets some wraps.*

"Ok, I know its gonne hurt but I need you to sit up Hun. Just lean you weaght on me."

*Helping Jason sit up Misty props him so he is leaning on her and his head is over her shoulders at she wraps his ribs night and tightly. Than gently she lays him back down continuing with her work. Finally geting to his knee Misty cringes. Being very gentil Misty looks it over.*

"Sorry this is going to hurt."

*Misty slowly bends Jason's knee watching the kneecap she dident like how it looked at all.*

"Your knee dosent look good. We are probley going to have to oparate on it. Put a few pins in and than when it heals you should be good to walk and runs and all that stuff again. I'm going to need Rick's second on that though before I can. So for now I am going to wrap it and put it in a brace. Tomarrow when Rick comes in I will talk to him and we will start right away with his ok."

*Misty wraps Jason's knee tight and slips a knee brace on. Going to the cubord she grabs some painkillers and some water.*

"Here take these. They are gonna make you loopy but they will take away alot of the pain your in."

*As Jason takes the medicen Misty gives a smile runing her hand through Jason's hair fast.*

"It looks like you got your wish and I got to docture you up huh."

*Misty turns back to head to the small sink over in the courner to wash her hands up. and than sheads her jacket to head back over to Jason and check his vitles and IV.*

* Kaite and Nate pase around the main floor there nerves sky rocket. Katie's from worry over Jason, and all his feelings being haywire right now causing her to tenst.

Nate felt anxus waiting for orders on what to do next. His anxiety, growing causing him to swet. Never had he been so up tight aboue this before to right now he was for some odd reason. Nate continues to pase till finally he heads to the break room for something to drink.*

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