
Just find me

Jason picks Carson up to give him another blow to the face. Carson staggers backward into the cage, trying to recover from his shock of what was going on. He doesn’t have much time though as Jason comes at him.

Sidestepping, he gives Jason a knee to the gut and throws him into the corner. Jason falls and rolls, getting right back to his feet. Lunging at Carson, for a moment, both men are locked in a power battle until Jason finally breaks the hold, turns with Carson’s arm over his shoulder, and kneels, throwing Carson over his shoulders to land with a bang on the floor.

Carson winces as pain shoots through his ribcage. Seeing Jason coming for him again, he kicks out, planting a foot to Jason’s midsection.

Jason doubles over, giving Carson enough time to get back up and throw a punch that gets Jason’s face.

Jason is knocked to his knees, the blood pouring from his split lip. His anger intensifies, adrenaline ruling his moves. Undercover or not, he was taking Carson down.

Glaring at his opponent, he strikes back.

The fight rages on, neither man willing to back down. The crowd grows weary of shouting, but eyes remain glued to the ring, the noise continuing as the brawl drags on.

Jason is brought to his hands and knees once more, trying to catch his breath. His vision was becoming blurred, his face felt as if it had been slammed into a concrete wall. Pain was shooting all throughout, but he didn’t have time to concentrate on it right now. Looking up, he’s just in time to dodge Carson. Back to his feet again, it’s his turn to take Carson down.

On his back, Carson can feel blood trickling down the side of his face. He spies Jason, and without even thinking, swings a strong kick to Jason’s bad knee.

The pain is like an electrical shock, sending out a cry as Jason falls, grabbing his leg as he winces. But he couldn’t stop now… he couldn’t give up. Not only did he have to finish this out for the case’s sake, but he couldn’t let Carson win this.

Carson goes to pick Jason up by his shirt, but in a burst of energy, Jason twists around and trips Carson.

While Carson is still down, Jason goes behind him, and in a swift movement, he rips Carson’s bandanna of his head, takes it long, and wraps it around his throat.

Carson grabs at it, gasping for breath. “Jason, you s…” He cringes as he sits on his knees, desperately pulling at the choking tool.

Jason grits his teeth and keeps his tight hold despite Carson’s efforts to move. Keeping his good knee in Carson’s back, he maintains control. “You’re going down, Carson,” he hisses. Nothing mattered anymore. His anger had taken hold, and he wasn’t going to lose.

Carson gasps and reaches for the side ropes to pull himself up, but he’s too far away. His head starts to spin from lack of air, and his energy dwindles. “Jase…you…” His eyes start to roll back in his head, and finally his body grows limp.

Jason releases his hold and stands up, throwing the bandanna down next to Carson’s unconscious figure. They both looked liked they’d been run through the mill, and felt like it too. How on earth had this happened…and what was to happen now…

The buzzer brings Jason’s mind back out of the fog and he suddenly realizes that he can’t wait any longer. This had turned out more severe than planned, and they needed back up immediately. Katie, get the cops…now… He summons up all of his intensive pain, anger, fear and nervousness that would signal the desperate need for help, and allows it to intensify into a mass aimed at the only one who could absorb it. We need help, Katie, and we need it fast…just find me…

The crowd is on its feet whooping and hollering, some jeering their distaste, others cheering on their enthusiasm.

Several men make their way to the ring, one kneeling next to Carson, making sure he was still alive, the other starting to escort Jason out.

Jason blinks as blood stings his eye, and he leans on Dane for support. Passing the front row, he looks with desperation to Misty. He didn’t know what to say or what to do, but she had to come with him. Carson had to be left for now. They had to follow Dane to the back room again to carry this thing out until help came.

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