
A Gift

*Katie smiles at Jason a plane starting to form in her mind already.*

"Dont worry about the band, dont worry about Camryn I'll take care of everything ok. You know me, I like to be the hero remember."

*Katie makes her way out of the infermary and to her cubicle. She new it was late but she new Kyle liked to stay up later as well. Dialing his number Katie waits as the phone rings.*

*Misty looks up at her Uncle and gives a nod whiping her tears away. Sucking in a deep breath Misty conposes herself she had to be strong. She had to help Rick.

Misty heads back into the infermary and helps Rick all she can. Still learning and taking note to what was being done. Along with keeping Jason stable, and making sure he was alright.*

"Jason is strong. He'll be ok...I know he is determend."

*Misty continued handing stuff to Rick. Flinching with every word hurled at Carson. She was angry she was upset, she dident understand but the words still hurt.

Finishing Misty relized she never changed her clothing from that night and it was now stained with blood. Not that she really cared. Exiting the infermary Misty needs to get fresh air...she felt like she was suffacating. Finding Reese again she goes over to him.*

"Uncle, I'm going to the police station now. I know you wont want me to go alone but, I have to. I have to do this alone please. I'll be back."

*Misty heads out of TJY and heads to he car spinning her tired as she pulls out of the parking lot.

With in minutes Misty is at the station and heading inside. Stating her name and that she wanted to see Carson she was pointed in the right direction. Walking down the halls of many cells Misty still keeps her composure though her eyes have pain and anger in them she stands tall. Telling herself she cant break yet. Coming to the cell at the end Misty can see Carson with his back to the bars. Taking a deep breath Misty leans again the wall across from the cell. She had to be strong.*

"So, Now you want my help huh?"

*Charlotte goes to make a comment back to Bret but stops as he draws her close to him. Charlotte can feel his breath on her skin. His touch warm and soft. Charlotte's eyes lock with Bret tells him it was ok. Bringing a hand to the side of his face to cradle it Charlotte leans close into Bert pressing her lips to him. Her hand that was on his face sliping to the back of his head as her other arm wraps around embracing him. Time feels like it almost stops as the sweetness of Bret's kiss washes over her. Something about Bret was so differnt. From the first day she had met him. They had been two lonly strangers who had met in a bar and had been given the gift of happyness. Its was almost as if it was a story or even a movie. Yet the ending was hiddon yet to come. By why look to that when you could just enjoy now. Charlotte embraced Bret alittle bit tighter leting there exchange continue.*

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