

*Opening her eyes Katie slowly sits up. Her body acked from sitting in the chair all night but it was worth it. Hearing the fighting herself Katie sits up straghter and is about to go to the door when out of the courner of her eye she see Scott moving. Changing her direction she walks a little closer to Scott's bed. Giving him a friendly smile.*

"Hey Scotty."

*Letting Scott and Jason talk for a moment Katie just watches Scott. Studying his moments and his words. Katie wanted to know how he was really, she wanted to help or at least look into his soul and see him.*

"Its not a problem Scotty. We'd do anything for our friend."

*Before more can be said the door opens and Katie wherls around exspecting anyone to come through the door and ready to protect Scott again. Seeing Reese Katie relaxes just a bit. Listing a little more to what Reese said Katie couldnt help but feel her own anger start to flair again though trying to still keep it in check. Completely ignoring the fact that Reese just told her she was saspended as if she didnt even care Katie goes to Scott's side seeing him upset.*

"Scotty its gonna work out dont you worry and dont you blame yourself ok. Now, are you going to be ok staying here withouOr would you like to go stay with your sister?"

*For a moment Katie moves her emotions to Jason relaying a message to him.

I'm sorry you got saspended. Me I really don't care at the moment. I just want to make sure Scott will be ok.*

* Wendy slowly opens her eyes as she grones. Why was it morning already, why did she have to get up, couldnt she just stay in bed forever. Knowing better than that Wendy turned the covers back on the bed swings her legs around. Slowly making her way to the bathroom she starts to clean up for the day as her mind started to curn reliving what had been discovered lastnight.

Once finished Wendy heads out of the bunk house slowly making her way to work. She still wasnt sure what to do. She was scaired and even scaireder to tell Clint, but she new she had to it was just trying to figure out how.*

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