

*As Katie looks up at Jason huvering over her she feels a chill run down her spin. After he throws the blanket over she she looks over to him as he shives alittle. Leting out a sigh she throws the blanket back at him.* " You need one too, dont try to argue. I'll be fine." *Rolling over on her tummy she rests her head on her coat again watching over Jason. As the night drags on sleep dosent comes to her.*

*At about 6 am Katie can hear someone out in the other room. Standing her heads out and looks around. She see Jamie at one of the desks. Going over to her she says good morning and gives Jamie alittle but of a run down on what happend. Leting Jamie know she need to go out and to keep an eye on Jason till she got back or Reese got back. Jamie agrees. Katie heads back into Jason's office and grabs her coat. Before leaving she gives Jason who seems to be sleeping in peace for now a hug.* "I'll be back soon J." *Katie heads out and heads for home to return Laura's car and get ready for Church with Wyatt.*

*As Jamie sits at her desk she sifts though papers. Today was Sunday and there were no meeting to go to. She was use to being in the office by herself working on files and checking invintory. Today she had an even more important job, watching Hotshot. Jamie stanns and heads to the breakroom to prepare some breakfest for when Jason woke up.*

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