
Emotional Barrage

Jason’s heart aches as Jamie talks, the melancholy setting in, even though she is speaking with hope. He’d had a unique friendship with Con and Laura…he’d wanted to be with them…they’d worked well together, and he missed those times. But had something been missing? He can’t help but remember when meeting Katie, he’d thought of her as on of his very few real friends…if he felt so strongly about Con and Laura, what was different? He lets his thoughts drift away as Jamie continues.

As Katie is mentioned, Jason’s eyes shoot up to meet Jamie’s, questioning what she’s heard, but he doesn’t ask. He can imagine. Is she right? Did people always get the chance to gain back something lost?

He sits lost in thought as Jamie rises and speaks of his mother. He wasn’t sure if he could talk to her about it or not. Did his mom really need him anymore? Was it really true? He wasn’t sure.

Seeing Jamie leave, he offers half a smile, though his mind is already formulating a strategy to deal with all of this. “Thanks, Jamie…for everything.”

After she’s left, Jason looks up at the clock. He needed to go buy some clothes and food, but didn’t have a ride at the moment, and Reese would have a fit if he went out alone right now. Sighing, he stands up, making up his mind. He heads down the hall and hits the elevator, going to the lower level. It’s quiet and dark. No one is down here today, not even Hal.

Jason flips on the lights, their quiet hum giving an eerie sound to the room. He heads to his locker and retrieves his handgun. He had to get his mind off of these things. He had to spend some of his pent up emotions on something.

He loads up and takes his stand, stretching out his arms, pistol in hand. Firing a shot, he hits the target dead center. Another shot. By eight rounds, the bullseye’s hole is barely bigger than one bullet’s width.

Loading up again, Jason takes aim, the shots echoing through the lower level of TJY. His mind wanders. He resists the emotions. He replays the fire. Another target is down. He thinks about his mother. The gun recoils in his hands. His eyes zero in on the bullseye, taking out another invisible enemy.

Time doesn’t exist as Jason fights to regain control, taking his frustrations out on bullets and targets. He’s not even sure how long he’s been on the range.

All of a sudden, as the shots reverberate in his head, Jason is taken completely off guard. His gun is aimed toward the silhouette of a man, and he’s no longer at TJY. He’s in a dark alley, hiding behind a building. His gun is stretched out to the shadowy form, fear and anger filling his veins. Suddenly the form moves into the dim light. It’s a policeman. Relief sweeps over Jason and he lowers his weapon. But a shot whizzes past his ear, a bullet ripping into the police officer’s chest. He falls. Jason cries out and lurches towards him, but something holds him back. A hand. A strong, brutal hand, digging into his wrists to yank him back behind the building. Tears streaming down his face, Jason turns and looks up to his captor. Alex. He screams.

…Jason’s eyes fly open. His body is shaking uncontrollably, sweat pouring down his neck. He tenses and sits up in fear, taking several moments to realize where he is. His eyes bounce around wildly for a minute. He’s alone. He’s at TJY. His gun is lying several feet away. He has no idea how long he’s been out, or what he’s done between target practice and being on the floor. Fear grips him as he recognizes the flashback and he tries to calm his racing pulse. This couldn’t be happening. “Not again.”

Wyatt draws Katie closer to swing his arm around her shoulders. “I’d love to pick you up again my dear damsel without distress.” He grins as he gets into his jeep. “Where to, melady? Back to Laura’s, right?

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