
Final decision

Jason half rolls his eyes at Katie, but takes the blanket back, knowing that arguing is futile. He sits awake for a long while, until early morning he drifts into a light sleep.
He thinks he hears movement a couple hours later, but he keeps his eyes closed, hoping that maybe by sheer will his headache will subside if he just rests a little longer. Feeling Katie close and hearing her voice, he starts to become more fully awake, but by the time he opens his eyes, she’s gone. He drifts in and out of sleep a while longer before convincing his body to get up.
Yawning and stretching, he glances at the clock. Reese should be in by now…
Finally rising, he cleans up the best he can, and heads to Reese’s office, avoiding the main floor for now…

“What?” Jason hoped he wasn’t hearing correctly. He stands in front of Reese’s desk, having intended on informing his boss what he would be doing in the near future, but instead, was receiving orders and new information himself.

Reese sighs, having known it would be a battle. “Look, Terry needs a good dog for the job, and Trooper would be perfect.”


“It’s what you trained him for, Jase.” Reese’s tone grows a little more stern. “I want him ready to be picked up tomorrow, and he’ll be back when Terry’s case is closed.”

Jason’s body stiffens as he resists the urge to refuse. Trooper belonged to TJY, whether Jason was the one who took care of him or not. He had known from the beginning that the dog would have to be available for cases other than his own.

Reese reads Jason’s body language and frowns. ‘I’m sorry, Jason. I know it isn’t the best time. But I can’t help it.”

Jason crosses his arms and glances at the floor. The dog meant more to him than he’d care to admit, and letting him go was harder than he thought it would be. “He’ll be ready.”

“Good.” Reese folds his hands on his desk. “Now, about where you can stay until you get on your feet again…”

“Thought I’d grab a hotel until I could get an apartment or something.”

Reese nods. “Sounds okay, though there’s several of us around here who wouldn’t mind giving you a spare room.” He shrugs, knowing Jason will refuse. “It’s whatever you want, but as far as I’m concerned, you shouldn’t be alone.”

Jason quirks an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

“I said I don’t think you should be alone.”

“What, suddenly I’m incapable of taking care of myself?”

“Someone is trying to kill you!” Reese exclaims. “They’ve tried three times now, and don’t try to deny it. Until we find out who or why, I want you to have a bodyguard.”

Jason’s eyes widen. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“I’m not. I’ll be speaking to Katie about it tomorrow.”

“Katie?!” Jason can’t believe it. How much worse could it get? “Please don’t do that.”

“Well who would you pick?” Reese challenges. “I can’t give up Wyatt, he’s on too intense of a case. I can’t use Laura – you two are like siblings, but you know when it comes down to it, you two would butt heads over decisions. I could give you Con, but I doubt you’d want to leave Austin vulnerable.”

Jason racks his brain for an alternative. “Look, just don’t use Katie, please.”

Reese frowns. “If this has anything to do with your ideas of her liking you, or whatever it was the last time, I don’t want to hear it. She’s good, she’s like a bloodhound when it comes to you, and she’s by far the best pick to be your bodyguard.”

Jason throws his arms in the air. “Oh come on!”

“What’s your problem? Is it that she’s a woman or what?”

“No!” Jason groans and starts to pace. “It’s just…” The words are on the tip of his tongue, but still have a hard time in coming. “I don’t want her to get hurt, Reese.”

Reese raises his eyebrows. “Are you implying she would be?’

“Are you implying she’s invincible?”

Reese sighs. “She took on the job, Jase. My decision is final.”

Jason leaves Reese’s office feeling like he’s been trampled on all over again. Could this not get any worse? Trudging across the floor, he avoids the few employees who have come in, and makes his way back towards his office, passing Jamie’s desk on his way.

Wyatt taps his hand on his steering wheel to the beat of the music playing on the radio, and pulls his jeep up to the curb. He’s dressed more nicely than normal in his good jeans, collared shirt and blazer, his hair pulled back. He glances out the window, not sure if he should go in, or if Katie would have seen him pull up.

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