
Phone Call

Wyatt grins, throwing Katie a wink. "If I may be so bold, you're looking quite lovely yourself this morning."
He pulls away from the curb and takes route to the other side of town where his church is. On the way, he doesn't let silence rule. "Talked to Laura on the phone this morning - she told me about Jason's place." He shakes his head. "That's too bad...it's never something easy to go through. I, um, heard you took him over to TJY and kept an eye on things per Reese's request. If he wanted you to come back pretty quick, we don't have to stay after church for the potluck if you don't want..." Willingness embraces his tone, though a disappointment flickers in his eye.

Jason stops for a moment, taken by surprise by Jamie's gesture. He has to shift his thoughts to remove the scowl from his face in order to show his gratefulness, even if his stomach doesn't feel like accepting any food. "Thanks, Jamie. I really appreciate it." He heads to the break room that adjoins the kitchen. Just as he takes his first bite though, a page comes over the intercom with Susanne's voice. "Jason, you've got a call on line two."

Rolling his eyes, Jason stands up, trying to swallow his mouthful before picking up the phone on the counter. "Yeah, this is Jason." He raises his eyebrows. "Mom...hi..." He glances in Jamie's direction, not wanting her to feel the need to leave, despite the private call. "Yeah..." His tone grows quiet. "I'm okay. Trooper got me out..." He leans his back on the counter and crosses one arm across his chest, still holding the phone to his ear. "No...nothing could be saved. If I would have woken up sooner maybe..... yeah, okay... no, I'm going to grab a hotel until I find something, and I'll be meeting with the insurance too, to get things settled there. Uh-uh....yeah, that'll work.... I'm sorry, Mom..... no....really, I'm fine, don't worry about me, alright? .....So what......" Jason pauses as he's interrupted. "You were what? I...I didn't know that...who....well no, I guess I didn't expect you to want to sell. I....I figured.... well no, no, it's just... well what else were you going to do? I figured you'd come back home after a while." Jason grows silent, his eyes shooting up from the floor. "What do you mean? No, I....you mean Wes? Oh." He swallows hard, a strange feeling hitting him in the gut, though he tries to keep it out of his voice. "I didn't realize that...oh...okay....I guess it's good you already had some of your stuff with you there then... yeah..." After a few more minutes, he straightens to end the call. "Okay...yeah, thanks. Alright. Talk to you later. Bye."

Jason hangs up the phone and leans on the counter for a moment. He shouldn't have asked himself if things could get worse. In a matter of less than twenty-four hours his entire world had crashed down around him. Everything he'd deemed stable in his life was being torn from his grasp. Even his own mother.

He sinks down in a chair, feeling sick to his stomach as a throbbing headache continues to pound in his temple. But he doesn't want Jamie to feel badly. He picks up his fork, forcing himself to eat a little bit more.

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