
Hero on the move

*As Katie gets into Wyatt Jeep she is content and happy. Katie is about to agree to Wyatt to take her back to Laura's when a suddon feeling comes over her. Its a feeling she has felt before it was Jason...but this feeling had not been felt in a long time. Something had happend to Jason that had to do with the past. A fear corses through Katie.* " Actully can you take me back to TJY? Its Jason. Something is wrong."

*After a short drive they finally make it to TJY, Once the car is stoped Katie jumps out and sprints into the building. Looking around round Katie makes her way to Jason's office not seeing him there Katie feels her panic come on. Seeing Jamie Katie walks over to her.* "Hey Jamie, where is Jason?"

*Jamie looks up at Katie.* "Last time I saw him he was in the break room eating. But about an hour ago I heard gun fire so I am guessing he was practicing. Everything ok?"

*Kaite nods and heads for the elavator making her way to the bottom floor. Seeing Jason on the floor and his gun a ways away afear panic rushes over to him. Could Jason have been that depressed and stupid. Katie runs over to him and places a hand on his sounder.* "Jason..." *Seeing he is ok and not shot Katie relaxed a bit.* "Jason are you ok? what happend?"

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