

With Wyatt's prediction canceled out, hope is restored, and his smile remains. "Good." He shakes his head and looks at her with reassurance. "Don't worry - we have plenty of extra Bibles if you want to follow along. You can borrow mine too if you want."
Within minutes, they pull into the parking lot of a large church. Wyatt gets out and waits to walk with Katie, offering her his arm to proudly walk her inside.
Several men and women greet Wyatt with enthusiasm and handshakes, treating Katie just the same, welcoming her warmly despite being strangers. Wyatt introduces her to several more people as his very good friend, and finally shows her into the sanctuary filled with rows and rows of chairs before a stage.
They find a seat somewhere in the middle, and the service starts with songs of praise lifted up by voices all around. Wyatt starts to sing along with the words on the screen, then pauses to lean down and whisper in Katie's ear. "Now promise me that you'll not make fun of my singing," he teases before straightening again to resume his slightly out-of-tune singing.
It's not long before the sermon begins, all eyes on the friendly minister.

Jason sets his fork back down and sighs, putting his face in his hands. "I'm sorry, Jamie. I just can't handle it right now. I appreciate the thought though." Feeling her hand on his shoulder, he looks up, pursing his lips grimly. "I know... I guess if any of this were my own fault I'd have someone to blame. But as it stands, it's just all crumbling into little pieces all by itself. My home is gone, I've lost everything I owned, my dog is getting taken away from me, any pride I had left for being able to take care of myself has just been ripped out of my grasp by Reese, and my mother is heading down a path that doesn't include me anymore." He forces a short scoffing laugh, not having intended on saying all that, and not wanting any pity. "Depressed? What reason would I have?" He shakes his head. "I know everyone here cares..." His voice trails off as he experiences a sudden lurch to his stomach. Standing quickly, he only has enough time to make it to the sink before throwing up what little food he'd had. "Okay...so maybe breakfast is a bad idea at this point." He leans on the counter as his stomach gives way again, his body rebelling against the strain he's created with his own emotional turmoil.

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