
On our way

*As Jamie see Jason storm by she stands and runs after him.* " Hey Hotshot. I made you some breakfest in the kitchen. Its not much cuz I new you probley wouldent be to hungry but its something at least." *Jamie smiles as she walks along side Jason.*

*As Kaite finish puting her hair up and puting a bit of makeup on to hide her tired eyes she looks out the window Wyatt was waiting outside. Glancing at the clock she relizes that she is running late.* "Crap." *Kaite finishes flying around the bathroom and than runs into her bestroom as she enters Henry is laying on her bed just looking up at her. He lets out a soft Meow.* "Ya ya I know I am running late Henry." *As Katie heads downstairs she looks around for Laura and relizes she must have gone already. Katie grabs a glass of OJ and downs it. Strating her black dress (The one she wore to the winterball) she heades out. Geting into Wyatt's jeep she gives him a hug.* "Morning. Sorry I am running late. You look very nice." *Katie beams.*

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