

Jason eyes the bottle and once Katie is settled on the floor, he takes the pills, dumping a couple out into his hand. He exits his office to go to the nearby water fountain, downing the pain killers. Leaning on the fountain, he angrily smacks his palm on the rim, upset with the situation, and upset with himself. He didn’t feel well, and was emotionally drained. It was a bad combination and he knew it. He was miserable, and he was acting like it, taking it out on Katie, who was only trying to help.
He trudges back to his office and looks down where Katie is lying. “It’s gonna get cold in here,” he comments. Grabbing the second blanket, he spreads it out on top of her. Not wanting to sit at his desk, he takes up a spot on the floor several feet from Katie, sitting up against the wall and drawing his legs up to keep himself warm.

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