

Alice smile as she stands as well placing her money on the table and gather her things.

"I wouldn't miss a fun time with Wacky Wild Child Kyle for the world you know. Hey that's it...I am calling you W.W.C.K.!"

Alice throws her arm around Kyles shoulder and around his neck almost dragging him out of the restraint.

"I'll follow you hows that, lets get this show on the road."

And the night rolled on...for some it was excitement and for others there was only pain. The night came and offered shelter to some, while other stood lonely. The concert started though some didn't want it to and it didn't feel the same with out a few friends. But time did move on.

There's another world inside of me that you may never see,
There's secrets in this life that we can't hide,

Well somewhere in this storm there's a rainbow that I can't find,

Well maybe it's too far away,
Or maybe I'm just blind,

Maybe I'm just blind.

Sitting outside the concert hall Jess just sits in her car. She could hear the noise from inside and how she would of liked to go in and hear the music.
No, she was ment to be at the concert tonight with Axel. She would of been helping him on sound, and now her friendship the person she had put so much trust in layed in peaces. The cold world had slapped Jess in the face again and pulled her down to the bottom. Axel, her last hope her rainbow gone, how she was missing him already and how she hurt. She had been fooled again, how many times would this happen. Who was she fooling nothing would ever change for her and she would always be alone. No matter how she changed fate new what it had planed for her and it was never to be happy.

So hold me when I'm here,
Right me when I'm wrong,
Hold me when I'm scared,
Everything I am,
And everything in me,
Wants to be the one you wanted me to be,
I'll never let you down,
Even if I could,
I'd give up everything If only for your good,
So hold me when I'm here,
Right me when I'm wrong,
Hold me when I'm scared,
You won't always be there,
So love me when I'm gone,
Love me when I'm gone.

Pulling away from the concert hall Jess just drives in a familure direction to a place her once spent almost her whole life at. She found her way to the Bullseye. Finding a parking spot Jess just sits for a moment. How she wished Carson was around. He was someone like her and she new she could trust him, but he was so far away so this place had been her friend that never turned her out, and was always standing in the same spot. She didn't want to get drunk, she just wanted to forget just a little and let her mind go. A distraction was all she needed, and maybe a few beers and a few games of pool was her ticket for now.

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