
Little Missy

Hanging up the phone Alice makes her way home to clean up before meeting Kyle. Getting home and taking a shower Alice gathers a few things with her before she is out the door again throwing on one of her more comfortable hoodies and making her way to the restront...

...giving a thoughtful nod Alice takes a sip of her juice as she listens to Kyle. She had been quiet through most everything just taking in all the information. She didnt really know Axel except for seeing him with the bands but that was it.

"I cant blame you guys. I probley would be pretty leery myself ya know. I'd never want any of my friends hurt at all."

Alice stops and thinks for a moment thinking about Axel's side of the the coin as well. She DIDNT know him but from what she saw he seemed ok even if looks could be deceving in Alice's line of work she had to look deeper at people.

"I guess I can kind of see Axel's point for not saying anything too. I mean, would you want to tell everyone something like that? Its probley super embarassing, and yes he should of because he was your friend, but I can see why he didnt too."

Taking another bit of her food Alice is silent again still continplating everything that was said. How had this had to be for everyone she couldnt even imagen.

"Are you guys gonna give him a change to talk to you all? I mean that one girl Jess she must be pretty hurt too huh? It seemed like she really only trusted Axel."

Though the talk had been a more searous matter today Alice was still having a nice time with Kyle and she had smiled the whole meal and her energy still ran though she keep it at a low knowing this was not the time for it.

Following Scott's directions Hope gets him back to TJY and just sits there in the car for a moment before looking over to Scott. Just watching him for a moment a smile spreads on Hope's face as sensarity shows in her eyes again.

"Thank you Scott for coming to lunch with me I had a great time."

Looking down at Domino Hope brings her hand to the small dog's head and scratches her ears.

"And you little missy, you keep up the good job with this one huh? and I hope to see you again."

Giving a smile again Hope gives a nod.

"Have a good night Scott and if you need anything let me know."

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