
A wish

Though not in the most upbeat mood, Kyle can't help but grin as he hears Alice. "Mm... I'm feeling adventurous. How about Taco Town? Meet you there in..." He glances down at his watch. "...Forty-five minutes. I gotta stop home first to see Phil, make a call to Jen, then I can scoot on down there."

Winding up his call, he heads for the apartment. Phil needed to know about Axel, and so did Jen. He really didn't want to deal with it right now, but they needed to know before tonight...

"...So yeah... that's that." Kyle swirls his straw around in his drink, having just finished telling Alice what was going on. When he sat and talked with her, he so easily forgot about her being a journalist, trusting her character that she would never write about the negative things he was relaying.

"We're all sorta just trying to figure out the most Christian way to respond, ya know?" He takes another bite of his taco, chewing for a moment before saying more. "Rocky knows he shouldn't have gone in guns blazing like he did, but I think he was just scared and I guess I can't blame him. I just don't know how to feel. I mean... we all have skeletons in our closets... we're all sinners in God's eyes, no matter the crime. It's just... hard to trust somebody like that. Not to mention, I'm not sure Cryptic could survive if that kind of word got out, and it might."

Kyle shakes his head and takes a couple moments to squirt some hot sauce on the remainder of his taco. "I liked Axel... he seemed alright... but he was keeping his past a secret, which I guess just makes me wonder if he's really different than he was... has he really changed? Who knows. But I wouldn't want to let Jen be alone with him. And quite honestly, I'd expect him to understand that, whether he's not that way anymore or not"

He rolls his eyes, tired of going around in circles, so he pauses to finish his taco and head for his second one. "So we don't know what Axel will do now, but after Rocky's reaction, we know he won't show up for the concert. So that leaves the rest of us. Here we are, me singing, and Jen said she'd run sound. I don't know if we're JetStream or Cryptic or Jeptic or CrypStream."

Kyle stops, quirking an eyebrow at his tongue-tangler. He looks over at Alice and gives a little grin. "Or something like that."

Scott is smart enough to figure out that Hope was responding to his mood shift, but he appreciates it more than feeling badly. This was her job, after all. Her job... For just a moment, he looks at her with a different kind of thought in his eye. There was something he hadn't thought of before, and for a split second, a wish passes through his mind.

Shaking his head, he gets up from the table. "Um... I guess... TJY would be good since I'm still staying there." His sigh reveals that he's tired of not feeling strong enough to live in his own house yet.

He snaps his fingers and Domino responds immediately, coming to his left side so he can pick up her leash.

Scott picks up his leftovers to throw in the nearby trashcan and aims for Hope's car. Getting in, he waits for Hope, burying his face in Domino's fur until he hears Hope start the car. Looking up, he points to the right. "Do you know how to get there?"

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