
Fast food

Scott look up at Hope, giving a little nod. "I've had her a few years now. I wanted some company at home, heard about some puppies for sale and there she was." A grin surfaces. "She was a little furball. I kept tripping over her 'cause she was always under my feet. Never did grow out of being the runt of the litter, but I think she's cuter smaller anyway."

A shout of someone nearby causes Scott to jump, and he looks over his shoulder quickly. Though the people nearby had not been aiming any speech at Scott, he's suddenly brought out of his own little world of peace, as if thrown back into reality. He'd been distracted up until now.

Pulling himself in tighter at the table, his eyes drift downward and he bounces his leg nervously. A car horn makes him look swiftly in the other direction, now his half-blindness creating a fear of what he didn't see.

Domino had been chewing her stick, quite content, but all of a sudden, she looks up at her master, sensing the mood change. Dropping her makeshift toy, she trots over to him and puts a paw on his leg. Though not having seen her, Scott doesn't flinch, knowing that it's her. He reaches down with a hand to stroke her head, not realizing that his fingers had begun to shake.

He doesn't ask to leave though... Hope wasn't finished eating... he couldn't ask to go yet.

Kyle sighs and leans back in his seat as he drives. He shouldn't be making a call while on the road, but he wanted to. Holding the phone to his ear, he waits until he hears the now-familiar voice. "Alice, it's Kyle..." He pauses. "Um... I know you were planning to come to the Cryptic concert tonight and... I just wanted to give you a heads up that things are gonna be a little tense. We probably shouldn't even be playing... long story..."

He grimaces. "You wouldn't want to grab some fast food for supper would you? The concert's not until seven..."

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