

Carson just takes a moment to simply look into Misty's eyes. Ever to admit only to her that he melted under her touch.

Reaching up to take her hand, he kisses it, then throws her a wink. "I gotta get back to work... I'll catch you later." Backing away, he slips back into the kitchen to work alongside Herb.

Jason cringes. He'd forgotten Katie didn't know about his knee. "Oh, it's nothing much." He shrugs, once again not realizing that Katie wouldn't know anything about Carson other than he was part of the Agency. "Carson and I just had a little go-around and my bad knee lost out. I'm fine though."

Phil can't help his frown as he listens to Jason. Ever time he'd seen him lately, he'd been favoring that knee. He wasn't surprised Reese hadn't let him go out like that. The last he had heard, Rick had been giving Jason shots for the pain, but as far as Phil knew, the doctor was no where near signing a release.

Jason catches Phil's look and tosses out his own, signaling that he really didn't want to get into it right now and have Katie worry more than she already was.

Turning back to her, Jason freezes at her question of a hug. It was bizarre that he did. He gave her hugs all the time as friends. But right now, he felt extremely awkward about it. Feeling the emotions start to rise again, he stamps them back down, desperate not to let Katie see them. Not now...not yet.

As he gives Katie a crooked grin, showing he'd be glad to give her a hug, his cell phone rings. "Aw, drat." Taking the phone off his belt he scans the number and hesitates. "Sorry. I'll be right back," he apologizes. He tosses a wink to Katie. "Don't go anywhere."

As he exits the room, Mike's hand slides from his pocket where his own phone rests. "Hey, I got an idea. How about the boys and me go pick up lunch a Mom and Pop's and sneak some back in here?"

Kyle's arms shoot into the air. "Mike gets the prize for best idea of the day! Let's go!"

Phil laughs and shakes his head. He gives a wave to Katie. "We'll see you in a little bit. Don't let Jen talk your ear off."

"Oh stop," Jen chides. "Behave yourselves while you're out. Without me around, who knows what kind of trouble you'll get into." As she and Katie are left alone, she giggles. "You gotta love them."

Jason leans up against the wall in the hallway and lets out a long sigh. This shouldn't be this hard. This was ridiculous. He couldn't even give Katie a hug? It was absurd. He glances down to his phone to see Mike's number again. Though Jason was glad for the interruption, it was unfortunate that apparently his body language had been obvious enough for Mike to catch on that quickly. Surely Katie had sensed the odd atmosphere as well. How long could Jason keep this up? How long could he keep pretending everything was fine so he didn't hurt her feelings?

"You alright?"

Jason turns quickly, feeling Mike's hand on his shoulder. "Yeah...no...I don't know."

"We're going out for a bit, then coming back. Need anything?"

Jason shakes his head. "Thanks. I'll stick around here a bit then get back to work."

Kyle salutes him as they head on out, then throws a wink to the nurse before exiting.

Jason watches them leave, and takes a deep breath. Jen was there...he could rely on her for any help he needed. Finally turning back to the room, he enters again, expertly pulling on one of his masks that smiles with bright eyes. Forcing himself not to limp, he goes back to Katie's bedside, sitting down next to her once more. "Sorry. I gotta be getting back to work here pretty soon." He reaches out to brush Katie's cheek with his hand. "You be alright for a while?"

A knock on the door interrupts them once more. Jen looks around and raises an eyebrow, a little surprised at the appearance of the visitor. But she thought she understood, and offers a warm smile. "Hi, Scott."

Scott's hands are stuffed in his pockets, his walk slow as he timidly enters the room. "Hey, Jen. Jason."

Jason gives him a nod. "Hey." He looks to Katie with a grin. "Aren't you the popular one today. Pretty soon Reese himself will be in here."

Scott manages half a smile, his hair, attire and glasses what Katie would have been used to seeing at the time she now remembered. "How's the patient?"

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