

Laura’s fear tonight was slowly fading away as Nate talks, his voice calming her. His joke about Con hits a little close to home, but she lets it slide, hoping that it really was something to laugh about.

As he mentions her facial expression it stops her for a moment…he really had been paying attention to her to know her that well… Had she really not noticed?

Nate’s order for lunch tomorrow takes her back for just a moment. She’d told him to push, but experiencing it made her immediately want to draw back again. Hesitating, she closes her yes and takes a deep breath. “Alright. You win. But you might have to lock my purse in the car, otherwise I’ll fight you the whole way to pay.”

…The next morning when Laura arrives at work, she finds the daisy and handwritten note, a smile forming on her lips. Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.

Mick yawns and leans back in his chair, taking another swig of his coffee. It was Monday…two days after the wedding, yet everyone was still a bit tired. It was a good tired though…no one would have traded that happy day for anything. Mick couldn’t remember seeing a happier couple than Wes and Cindy… He never would have dreamed he’d stand up with his brother, but he had, and it had been great. Now that both were gone on their honeymoon, the reality was settling in, and life at the ranch was starting to move forward again, slowly, but surely.

The wedding had made Mick think…the future was approaching and passing them by. Seeing his brother with Cindy…it made him think of himself and Rosetta. Was she still satisfied with waiting? Had they made the right decision? Would this battle really be over someday?

Bringing his mind back to the present, Mick sees there are only a few people left in the mess hall. Most had scattered to go about their day.

“…and I said baby come home!” Clint’s off-key voice sings loudly with the country radio station in the shop as he leans over the engine of a small car. Wiping his hands on a rag he slides into the driver’s seat and turns the key, bringing the motor roaring to life. “Yeah!” Clint grins at the smooth sound and pets the dashboard. “I knew all you needed was a little TLC.” He turns the motor back off again and exits, tinkering just a bit more in the motor.

“Mmm, I love you, kiddo.” Con gives Mindy a bear hug as he squats in front of the porch, wrapping his arms around Haley next.

“Are you gonna come back later this summer?” Keith asks hopefully.

Con straights up and ruffles Keith’s hair. “We’ll see about that.”

Paula smiles and steps forward to give Con a hug of her own. “You take care of yourself, Conrad, and do come sooner next time.”

“Alright, I will.” Con gives his aunt a squeeze before turning to shake his uncle’s hand.

Paula shifts to give Jamie a hug. “It was so nice to meet you Jamie. I hope next time Con comes back he brings you again.” She smiles broadly before turning back around to grab a sack of food. “Now Con, you make sure you stop for lunch and give his poor girl a break from driving. And call me when you get back.”

Con chuckles, humoring his aunt. “Alright, I will.”

After more farewells and a few tears goodbye, the two vehicles pull out of the driveway. Two hours later, it’s still before noon, but Con pulls off the highway to stop for lunch anyway, with just an hour left to go. The little park is a welcomed resting spot, and Con and Jamie find an empty picnic table to sit down and enjoy the chicken that Paula had sent along.

Eating slowly, Con is a little quiet, contemplating the day. “I thought I’d head to TJY once we were back in town,” he comments. He hadn’t been back since the day he’d confronted Carson, and it felt strange to think about going back now, but he knew he had to. “Are you going to come along, or head to your place?”

Laura groans and gets down on her hands and knees in front of the copy machine, pulling out the tray and squinting inside, trying to find the paperjam.

“Good luck finding it.”

Laura turns her head to throw Carson a smirk. “Thanks. Was this your doing?”

Carson grins. “Nope. But it’s been giving me trouble all day. I can’t figure out where the paper is, and Scott’s been too busy to come and look.”

“You’re so much help.” Laura rolls her eyes and turns back to the machine, feeling gently inside with her fingers to see if she can find any stray pieces of paper.

Carson chuckles and lowers himself to his hands and knees to join her, opening up a different door on the side and scrolling one of the rollers, hearing the paper somewhere.


Carson’s head flies up, hitting the open door. He winces and turns to see Reese in the doorway. Now what? “Yeah?”

“I’ve been looking for you for half an hour.” Reese looks at him with annoyance. “Where have you been?!”

“Well I…”

“Never mind. Just get back to your desk and finish up those lists I needed. I told you I needed them by an hour ago!”

Carson grits his teeth and shrugs to Laura. “I think the papers up in here somewhere.” He gets to his feet with a sigh and heads to the doorway, seeing Reese had already disappeared.

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