

*As Nate looks up from his desk he see Laura and Wyatt leaving togther. He tells himself they could just be leaving out of cawincadince but something inside him tell him its just not true. Leting out a sigh Nate stands and goes to Laura's desk laying a singly Dasiy on her desk he had picked up. He wanted to give it to her to make her feel better but not seeing her leave without saying good bye Nate dident want her to feel strange. Grabing a sticky note Nate jots a note. "Maggie said Hi and thx for the Pizza. The flower is from her. I'll always be here for you Laura."Nate places the paper with with the flower and sighs to himself. Exiting TJY for the night.*

*A Misty leaves the infermary she spots Carson at his desk. The Day had gone by fairly fast after her lunch with him. Going over to the wall Misty leans on it smiling down at him.*

"Since when did you become a work a holic?"

*Misty cant help but let out a giggle.*

"Need a ride home?"

*As everyone heads down to the pond Jamie keeps an arm around Con as she keeps an eye on the little ones.*

"You girls please done run near the shore ok. If a fire fly goes out that way just let it go ok."

*Jamie takes in a breath of the fresh air. For alittle while Jamie breaks away from Con and helps the younger one catch some fire flys.*

"Mindy carfel how you shake that Jar. You dont want to hurt the little guy or he wont be able to fly home to his family and than they would be really sad."

*Jamie smiles down at the young girl and ruffles her hair. Finally Jamie makes her way back to Con siting next to him. Keeping her flashlight on to point it in the direction of the kids laughter. For a long moment Jamie is silent enjoying the night. Finally Jamies mind goes back to the conversation she over hurd on the porch. Jamie thinks of the best aprotch for this conversation. It was an intamit part of Con's life and Jamie dident want to pry finally she speaks softly.*

"Its a nice night out for sure Con. I'm glad I came here to see ya. If funny how you go through life thinking you want something to turn out a certin way but than someone comes along and things just wont turn out how you thought. What you would once think would bother you dosent anymore. Sometimes things just down work out how we want them. But we remember its all part of God's plane for us and anything can happen if we believe and put our trust in him. If he wants something to happen in out lift it will even if the odds are stacked aganst us. And if he thinks its not whats best than it wont happen."

*Jamie stops for a moment moving her flash light along all the kids making sure everyone was still in sight.*

"I have many dreams I want to come true in my life Con that I have collected over the years. But I have come to relize that as long as your connected in my life and standing by my side I dont mind if all those dreams dont happen. We can over come anything."

*Jamie stops again wondering if she should take on, but something makes the words come out of her mouth before she even relizes it.*

"A family isent built on if they are blood or not, a family is build on love and as long as that love is there so is a family."

*Jamie's face turns a bit red and is glad for the darkness. She dident mean to say everything she did it just came out. Once again Jamie flashes her light around and counts all the heads to make sure there are 8*

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