

*Nate reaches for the phone on the desk he was siting at in his office at home. He had just finishes reading to Maggie and she was fast asleep now. Nate decieded he would look through some files Reese had given him. Puting the phone to his ear and hearing Laura's voice an instince smiles forms on his face.*

"Hey Laura. I dident exspect to hear from ya tonight. Sure I have time to talk. Is everything ok? Do I have to kick anyones butt?"

*Katie stirs in her room and looks up at the craks in the tiles above her head. She new it was late at night but she couldent sleep. Her mind was on Jason again. How she wished she could pick up her phone and hear his soothing voice. Katie lets out a sigh and gets out of bed. Heading into the kitchen Katie grabs a glass of water. She still hadent eaten anything since yesterday morning but still the thought of food made her tummy flip flop. Downing the rest of her water Katie heads back to her room and flips on her laptop to just surf the net for a while.*

*Misty thinks for a moment leaning her back aganst the cubicle wall. Holding up her hand it look like she is counting.*

"Well I do like an adventure, and I am not one to turn them down specialy if you are involved. So I guess I shouldent let my reputation down and do it now."

*Misty turns to look over her shoulder.*

"Its a da....er...adventure than...lets get going."

*Misty hangles her keys in front of Carson's face.*

"I'll even let you drive.*

*Jamie smiles and softly gives Con a kiss back. After the kiss is finished Jamie leans into Con and places her head on his shoulder for a long moment as she watching the fireflys dart here and there. Her life seemed perfect right now besides the small set backs here and there. God had truly blessed her. Even if her past was a rough on it was what shaped her to do what she was today. Life is full of challanges and bumps but now she was on the right path and she had Con.*

"I love you to Con more than anything."

*Jamie sits up and stands.*

"Well I better go check on the girl and see how they are doing."

*Jamie walks tword where the girls were turning once to smile and toss a wave at Con.*

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